A Normal Day

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The song I put will adjust this story about Beast boy, Raven and Terra But anyways Enjoy!

A Normal Day at the Teen Titans hmm Let's Look A little bit in their life

Starfire pov: *Yawns* Oh boy! What a lovely day of the morning  Hi My name is Koriandr also known as Starfire I am 16years old and apart of the Teen Titans Enough Introductions I gatto go and bath silkie and feed him then I gatto go To the main room where every Teen Titans are then Next I'll go to eat something talk about Random things and do what else I gatto do See you later!

Robins Pov: Hi I'm Dick Grayson also known as Robin I'm 17years old and I'm the leader of The Teen Titans I make sure Everyone is ok and alright because well that's whats leaders do make sure the team is ready and steady for anything usually I go to the main room To well look up at the titans to see what they are doing Then eat some breakfast Next go and make sure And look up if their are going to be any Villains around Anywhere but my main focus is on Slade To see if There are Anything he's planning Let me Stop Right here With the Talking bye.

Raven Pov: Hey I'm Rachel also known as You guessed it Raven I'm 16years old and A member of the Teen Titans I'm also A half demon but don't worry I don't kill innocent people like other demons Mostly I don't really show much Emotions So some call me Sarcastic Emotionless demon But it's Not like I don't have Emotions! Anyways usually I go to the main Room where all the titans are then go drink my herbal tea I don't Know what I got in it but I just got Addicted to it then I go back to my room To read a Book Harry Potter is my favorite book It has Magic, tragic etc It kinda Makes Me feel like I'm not alone sometimes I sometimes go back to the Main room and look up at what the titans are doing but I don't really like one of them You guessed it Beast boy We really aren't the friends type and He is also so Annoying at times But I still like the Teen Titans their like family!

Beastboy Pov: Hey I'm Garfield also Known as *Changes into a Dog* Beast boy! I'm 16 and apart of the Teen Titans I really love the Teen Titans it makes Me feel like their all I need I have Best Friend of all the titans You guessed it My buddy Cyborg We always Play Video games together You know what friends do Out of all the Titans I like to Annoy one if them You guessed it again Raven It's so hard to get her attention but rather than that my life is going smooth.

Cyborg Pov: Hey I'm Cyborg I'm a Half Machine I got in a accident that could of killed me but it didn't that's how I got my robotic parts I don't really think I have a Age as A robot But I think I will be between 16-18 But it's not that bad The titans bringed  me in And treat me like family but I still think that I look hideous in My robot parts But at the end of the Day

All the Titans Say: We are all Different!

So yeah this is just like A introduction on the titans but I can't do another chapter that fast because I have school but anyways I hope you enjoy!

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