Ch. 20

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AN: Hey everyone just want to thank you all for hanging in there with me for this long.
Warning: I'm sorry! Just gonna tell you now it's sad. We gotta lot to work through but we will get through it together.


Adam rolled over when he heard you leave early Friday morning. He rubbed his eyes and got up walking over towards the window peeping through the blinds. A huge grin spread across his lips as he watched you walk around your building joining people in the early morning busy street. He thought, I wonder what she's listening to, as he watched you slip your headphones in and disappear around the corner.

He tossed himself back onto the bed mentally preparing for the day. His eyes caught the picture frame sitting on your nightstand. It was the one he gave you for Christmas. The thought that you liked it so much to put it there made him feel important special almost. Laying there in your bed without you he realized how much he hated that you had to leave so early. He wished to himself that you were still laying next to him sleeping. Adam imagined you fast asleep with your little hands tucked under your cheek and pillow as your baby hairs curled and fell in your face. By this point he had your breathing patterns memorized and could hear your breaths without you even being there to make them. He smirked at the thought of your cute soft snores. He would watch you and make sure you were comfortably tucked in getting all the sleep you needed. He loved watching you sleep completely relaxed unbothered by the world around you.

Adam just laid there for a while. Normally he would have gotten out of a girls empty apartment as quickly as possible not feeling comfortable in someone else's space. However, he felt completely comfortable at your place ever since you told him to put a record on that first night. He had been in many women's apartments as well as lived in them, but there was something different about yours. Something that drew him in wanting him to stay and honestly he never wanted to leave. In a way it was similar to his everything you had was functional and purposeful while being minimalist. You weren't like any other woman he'd been with. Your styles and personality was influenced in everything while being completely your own, simple, and inviting. It was like you were still there with him even though you weren't and he felt comforted in that.

After a while his phone chimed with a text from Anne reminding him he had to turn in his audition tape. Immediately he texted back stating he was sending it now. Quietly whispering the steps of forwarding the email to himself he heard a swish sound indicating it went through. He took a deep breath hoping he got the part even though he wouldn't know for at least a week. Finally accepting he had to get up and start his day Adam begrudgingly gets ready to go throwing on his clothes from the day before and using the spare toothbrush you had left for him awhile back. Before he leaves he has to eat a bowl of cereal. He smiled, grabbing the box of Puffins knowing you had got them because he liked them, but also because he had eaten all of the box before. Eating about two bowls he made a mental note to get you some more. He cleaned his bowl and put it away and made his way out setting off for the day.

The day went by fast as Adam got his daily to do list done. After running some errands he stopped by to visit Caroline and Sample to check in with them. He had been so busy with filming and post production stuff that he hadn't seen them since he watched Sample with you that weekend. Pure happiness settled into his spirit remembering how helpful you were with his niece as well as how much you teased and the incredible sex the two of you had. Walking into their apartment he was greeted by Laird, "Hello brother, haven't seeneth you in awhile. Please doth come in." Adam scrunched his face as he walked in looking at Caroline saying, "What the fuck is up with him." She cut Laird off before he could say anything, "He has been reading Shakespear. Hi brother, what brings you by?" He shakes his head slightly at Lairds weirdness answering, "just checking in. How are you?" She gave him a big genuine smile, "i'm doing really good. Laird got that job awhile back at that meditation place. We have also been doing alot of things as a family, and I've been very happy." He was genuinely relieved to see his sister happy and even Laird though he was odd. Adam could tell how much better Caroline was physically as well as mentally after getting the help she needed a little over a year ago.

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