Chapter 2

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We stayed with each other for a few more hours. We just watched the stars and the moon. Sometimes I would glance over and see him staring at me instead. I didn't want to leave because maybe nothing would change. Maybe this would all mean nothing in the morning, maybe this was all for nothing. 

"What is going on in your head Hermione?" Draco asked out of nowhere. 

"Nothing," I said smiling with only the corners of my mouth.

"You," He said pointing at me, "Thinking of nothing, I doubt that," He laughed. "Come on tell me what is going through your brilliant brain."

"I just-" I stopped nervously that what I was going to say was going to ruin the moment, "Is this real," He looked confused, " I mean, is this actually you? I like, this you but I don't want this you to go away." I had tears in my eyes again my fear creeping up inside of me.

"I can't just change Hermione. I have a reputation to uphold. As stupid as this sounds, I like this me but I can't stay this me. Imagen what my father would say-" 

"Who cares what your father thinks!?" I yelled pausing seeing he had flinched at me raising my voice. "I- " I didn't know what to say he looked scared, I didn't what to do. "I didn't mean-"

"It doesn't matter! I can't change Hermione. You don't even know who I am. You are you" He pointed at me, "And I am me! We could never be together even if we tried! I have expectations and you, you are nothing!" He looked down and I noticed the tears in his eyes. He was pushing me away and I was going to let him. 

"Of course that is what you are going to say!" I yelled, "We just- I just- you know what you are an arrogant ass hole! To think I liked you Draco, I actually did. I thought you could be something you are clearly not. I hate you Draco Malfoy." I said so calmly it freaked even me out. " I hate you and once you realize your mistake don't come back because I will never trust you, I will never love you for you Draco Lucius Malfoy is unloveable." I looked away unable to look at his face. All I heard was his rushing feet on the floor. He was running down the stairs because of me. I had punched him in the face once but what I had said tonight really broke him. 

Once he was gone I broke down, I fell to my knees and started sobbing. I just broke my own heart along with his. I mean it's better I did it than him, right?

I got up, whipping my tears from my eyes not that that stopped the tears. They just flowed down my face uncontrollably.  I walked back to my dorm still silently sobbing and I was holding the walls I walked not really being able to stop my knees from buckling.  I was now in the middle of the hallway just a mere minutes away from the Gryffindor common room, and I couldn't move at all. My body was shaking and my vision was blurry. I had the worst headache I have ever had hearing my heart pound in my head. I couldn't think or breathe I felt like I was dying.  I started heaving finding it harder and harder to breathe. 

I just sat there for what felt like hours not knowing what to do. I just couldn't stop thinking about what I said. "You Draco Lucius Malfoy are unloveable."  That one line just rattled around my brain. 

"Hermione?" I heard from the end of the hallway. I couldn't bother to look up and see who was calling me.  I heard rushed steps coming over to me. "Hermione, are you ok?" It was a male that is all I could tell. "Oh, Hermione, come here." The man's voice was so caring, I looked up to see my favorite teacher, it was Professor Remus Lupin. 

"Professor?" I asked questioningly. 

"Shh, it's ok you don't have to say anything," He said I was so grateful he just let me lay there on the floor he was hugging me as I continued to cry. He just held me as I was breaking down. 

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