"Yup here I am," I sighed. Harry turned and waved Ron down.

"What was that all about, Mione," Ron asked pointing down the hall, had he seen Draco and I talking?

"Oh, nothing I just forgot something in my dorm room," I continued to walk to the painting. They followed very closely behind.

"What is the password Deary," the Fat lady in the painting asked.

"Dilligrout," I said confidently. She nodded and the painting opened. I had Harry and Ron right behind me so I had to quickly think of something that I could play off as something I forgot. Some of my hair started to fall in front of my face and I was getting annoyed at it. Then it hit me. I smiled walking over to my dresser pulling out a hair tie.

"Got what I was looking for boys," I said, putting my stuff down, flipping my hair over my face, tying my hair up into a quick bun. I smiled at Ron, picking up my stuff, and walked with them to our next class still thinking about what Draco had said to me.

-Fast forward a few hours-

I plopped down onto my bed contemplating. I could go to Draco or I could stay here and wonder what he wanted to say. I sat for a second rolling over actually contemplating just staying in my dorm ignoring what he had said. Nope, I couldn't do it. I couldn't just let my mind wander. I got up and put on a jacket because it was late and probably cold. I started to walk to the Astronomy Tower. I can't believe I am doing this. It is probably a prank and it will most likely end horribly for the girl who stupidly believed Malfoy. But part of my mind just kept going back to that one moment when he could've just walked away, he had stopped and in the sincerest way I had ever seen Draco, he said he was sorry. I couldn't get that look on his face out of my mind. His head down showing the right side of his face. His eyes staring at the floor almost as if he was afraid to look at me. And he hadn't looked back at me, he had only looked at the ground and said I'm sorry. It was mind-boggling to me. Draco, who had never been sincere in his entire life, had shown sincerity and empathy. I just couldn't wrap my very capable mind around it.

I didn't realize how easy it was for me to get around the grounds now because I was surprisingly already at the base steps of the Astronomy Tower. I looked up and took a deep breath. This was my one and only time to step back and run to my safe warm bed and forget all about that stupid potions class. But even with the doubt in my mind, I took the first step. I slowly walked up the stairs grabbing the smooth wood of the railing and took step after step. I had only slippers on so I could feel the cold concrete, it made me shiver. It was a lot colder than I thought it was going to be, yet I still continued up the stairs making no sound. I had my wand in my pocket because I was not taking any chances. I continued up the stairs just looking up, my heart beating faster and faster as I got further and further up. I stopped when I saw the top floor of the Astronomy Tower. I took one last deep breath, breathing in and out, in-out, and I did that one more time as I continued up the stairs.

I stood silently seeing Draco hunched over the edge, his hands apart just beyond the width of his shoulders. My breath hitched as I saw him in his all-black silk pajamas shining from the moonlight. I grabbed the railing and the metal holding the wood onto the cold rock squeaked causing Draco to shoot up and whip his head around to facing me. His messy hair falling in front of his face. His eyes lit up at the sight of me.

"You came!" He spoke excitedly. He caught himself in his excitement and straightened up.

"Ya, I did Malfoy. Now, what did you want? I would love to get back to studying for my potions quiz," I straightened up composing myself, and sighed.

"The potions quiz isn't till next month?" He said tilting his head in confusion.

"Ya well, it's never too early to prepare," I said slightly offended at his questioning. "Now I am sure you didn't call me here to judge me for my studying habits. So, what exactly do you want?"

It Happened Because of a PotionWhere stories live. Discover now