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The sound and feeling of Buck’s phone vibrating in the back pocket of his jeans made him jump slightly as he was sitting in silence, on his couch, lost in thought. He fished it out and checked the caller ID; Eddie. A fond, subconscious smile drifted across his lips before he accepted the call.

“You were due for a call, Diaz.” Buck said, his lips curling into a cocky smirk.

He heard Eddie’s breathy laugh on the other line, “I never fail to please,” the other man answered before he asked, “You free right now?”

“Uh –” Buck stalled. He wasn’t busy, but he knew why Eddie was asking. And, while he’d love to go over right now and toss back a few beers, he knew they needed to talk about the massive elephant in the room; and Buck wasn’t sure he was ready for that yet. Because things were nice between the two men right now – they were exploring their feelings for one another, and had been for over a month. They’d both admitted that they liked each other in a way that went beyond just friends, and a couple of times things even got a bit...


And while being ‘frisky’ and casually being PDA, in the privacy of either of their homes, was nice and definitely sent butterflies to Buck’s stomach every time Eddie touched or looked at him in a way, Buck wanted more. He wanted everything with Eddie, and Chris. He didn’t want to have to put on the just friends mask every time both he and Eddie were at work so no one would catch on. He wanted the world to know that he was in love with his best friend.

But was Eddie in love with him in return?

That’s where a problem arose. Because while Buck was confident that he loved Eddie, he wasn’t sure if the feelings were reciprocated. What if this was just casual for the older man? What if Eddie wasn’t even looking for anything serious right now? He certainly had his hands full; he was a single dad and he had a full time career. What if Buck was just going to be a hassle on top of all of that?

But still...

“Yeah, I’m free.” He found himself saying, and then rolling his eyes at himself for being pulled in so easily by the sweet offer of spending a day with Eddie at his place. ‘Idiot.’ He cursed in his mind at himself.

Buck could practically hear the ginormous smile that split across Eddie’s face; “Great! Christopher’s at Abuela’s for the day, she’s going to be dropping him off right before dinner; you, uh... You want to come over?” Eddie asked, suddenly sounding shy. The mental image of Eddie with a blush coating his cheeks as he asked Buck to come over made the blonde grin fondly. He chuckled, “I kind of guessed that’s why you asked if I’m free – of course. Should I leave now?”

“Uh, yeah! See you in a bit?”

“Yeah.” Buck answered, already making a grab for his keys.

They’d hung up right as Buck caught himself in the mirror; his hair was a mess. Shit.

He practically tripped over his own feet as he made his way up the stairs to his bathroom to hopefully fix the mess that sat atop of his own head. But once he’d put a comb through it, he realized that wasn’t going to cut it. While it was just a simple afternoon at Eddie’s place, probably on his couch, Buck still wanted to look decent. If they were going to talk about possibly becoming boyfriends, like, officially, then he didn’t want to look like a chicken just walked across his head.


It sounded odd to think of himself and a man in his thirties, who was already a dad, as boyfriends. Hell, Buck had already surpassed the age where he, or any potential partner, thought of him as someone’s “boyfriend.” But while it also sounded odd, he couldn’t deny the butterflies that had erupted in his stomach as he mentally pictured himself as Eddie Diaz’s boyfriend, officially.

infinity [9-1-1: Buddie One-Shot] (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz