The shampoo debacle

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(the song at the top is the song they start singing near the beginning, it will make sense once u start reading it ;)

I woke up to Severus' heavy breathing as my head lay on on his chest. I smiled as he was sleeping soundly. I looked at the clock. It pointed to 6, I figured we should probably start waking up now seen as we both had classes to go to at 7. I began drawing circles on Severus' chest.

I began singing softly

Rose - Three little birds sitting in a tree, wanted to start a family

He began to join in softly

Rose and Severus - She went tweet tweet tweet he was looking for a sheep

We stopped singing, I looked up into Severus' eyes, I could see he was happy. I smiled up at him

Severus - Good morning my darling

Rose - Good morning Severus

Severus - I wish we didn't have to get up you know

Rose - I knoww me too

Severus - Well come on then

I started to move and I felt my whole body ache, must be from last night.

Rose - Uh Severus

He had just placed his black cotton dressing gown on and began tieing it at the waist.

Severus - Yes?

Rose - Could you help me up

He smiled

Severus - Yes of course

He came over and picked me up bridal style and walked into the bathroom. He sat me down on the heated floor and began running a hot bath, the scent of lavender and bubbles filled the air. He waited for the bath to run then placed me in, it was a huge tub.

Rose - Care to join me?

He looked at me confused, then he smiled. He began removing his robe and stepped in the bath behind me, placing his legs next to mine. I began wetting my hair with the shower. He slowly pulled the shower head out of my hand

Severus - Allow me

He stroked over my scalp as the boiling hot water spilled out of the shower head. He grabbed an absolutely full bottle of shampoo, I glanced to the side and noticed an almost completely empty bottle next to it.

Rose - Severus, why is the shampoo full and the conditioner almost empty

Severus - Well I only use conditioner

I turned to face him with a look of sheer confusion on my face

Rose - You don't use shampoo?

Severus- Well no, I find only conditioner does the trick

Rose - Severus no no no

I turned back around as he began lathering the shampoo all over my hair. He rinsed it out with the shower head and began on the conditioner, after he rubbed it in I turned around again.

Rose - Okay your turn?

Severus - You what?

Eventually I got him to turn around so I could get started on his greasy mane. Of course I wouldn't tell him that. I picked up the bottle of shampoo. I placed a dollop in my hands and began rubbing his scalp

Rose - Well you see, conditioner is all fine for making your hair soft, but shampoo really gets the grease and grime out

I rubbed his scalp some more, when I was satisfied I rinsed his hair out with the shampoo, I did the same with the conditioner.

He was the first to get out of the bath, he grabbed a black towel and tied it loosely around his waist. He grabbed my hands as I began standing up, my muscles felt a lot better after that. He placed a black towel under my shoulders and then offered me a grey dressing gown. I wrapped the band around my waist as I stepped into the kitchen

Rose - Now Severus do you cook at all?

Severus - I usually just ask the house elves to bring me something

Rose - Ah that makes sense

I was actually an okay cook, but I wasn't sure my skills were as refined at breakfast, I decided it best to save it for another day.

*time jump - 2 hours*

I met Maia and Harriett outside of potions

Harriett - Where the hell where you last night, we were so worried. Well I was so worried Maia wasn't really that bothered which I thought was odd because Maia is usually also an overthinker but last night she seemed totally cal-

I shot Maia a look. Did you tell her? I asked with my eyes. No. She said back. Okay just let me make something up I replied

Rose - Harriett Harriett I was up studying in the gryffindor common with Hermione last night and we fell asleep

Harriett - Ah that makes sense

This was typical Harriett. Our overthinking hufflepuff. She got moved into mine and Maia's dorm last year because she's a huge overthinker and basically can't function unless someone is with her. I think in the muggle world they call it autism. That's why her and Maia are practically inseparable. When we got back from Malfoy Manor our dorm was a complete mess because Harriett had a meltdown, luckily Mcgonagall found her just as she was starting to tear open pillows for our ransom notes.

We walked into potions. I had to mentally prepare myself. Severus told me he would have to treat me like everybody else so not to raise suspicions.

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