Part 1

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I got on to the train and started to search for a seat. It was like all of the compartments were full! I was getting so frustrated when I finally found a compartment that was pretty much empty. There was just a boy slouched against one of the seats, his feet up on the other, and he was staring out the window. He had on baggy jeans and he wore a hat low over his eyes. 
"You mind if I sit in here? Everywhere else is full," I said.
No response, he continued to stare out the window. It was then that I noticed he had white earbuds in his ears, he couldn't hear a word I was saying.
At that point I decided not to bother with the boy and I pushed my way out of the compartment wondering what I was going to do.
"It's fine," I heard faintly.
I turned to look at the boy again.
"You can sit here, I don't mind," he said more clearly.
He was the most flawless person I'd ever seen in my life, and right then our eyes became locked and I was rooted to the spot.
That was, until the train lurched and started moving. I got thrown into the car and it took all of the grace and poise I had (which wasn't much) not to go sprawling across the compartment. Instead I not-so gracefully landed in the seat opposite the boy, dropping my shoulder bag on the floor along with the hard case that stored my heavy turntables.
As I got up and straightened myself out, pulling my bag off the floor and dropping it on my seat. I noticed the boy smirking at me, "You alright there?" he drawled.
"I'm fine," I huffed as I lifted my turntable case carefully off the ground and attempted to lift it into the overhead storage space. All of a sudden things got much easier as the boy got up and helped me push the case onto the rack. "Christ, you carrying a body in here?" he said. For some reason I was annoyed with this boy, which was funny considering he hadn't really done anything to me and I'd never met him in my life.
"No," I bit out turning to my bag and moving it so I could sit in my seat.
"Okkk," he said before sticking his earbuds back in and turning back to his seat, plopping down and continuing to stare out the window. He kept his feet up on the seat next to me, and I was oddly aware of him watching what I was doing out of the corner of my eye. I tried my hardest to just ignore him.
I turned my attention back to my bag and pulled out my MacBook Pro, switching it on. I then dug out my own headphones and popped them on over my ears, opening up my mixing software and getting lost in my music. I'm an aspiring MC and music producer. I like to blend songs together and experiment with new effects. I also like to write my own tracks, but I'm not very confident in my own vocal abilities so I tend to keep it to writing and producing for other people.

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