Harry potter x Addie lupin

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-DISCLAIMER- all storylines and characters are from the Harry Potter franchise and are not mine!


"Addie?" Remus said.
"Yes, dad?" I uttered in a weak voice. He looked me with a tender smile and care in his eyes "Are you afraid?"
"Yes" I whispered. He chuckled slightly then put a shaking hand on my shoulder, clearly afraid himself. "I understand that, having to hide this will be hard, but it's possible. Dumbledore wouldn't of let me take the job if he knew we were in any sort of danger. So promise me this?" He said, his voice getting stronger with every word. "Yes?"
"Just because we are hiding something, doesn't mean we have to hide every part of us. I do not want you to change in any way. So promise me you'll be yourself?"
"Of course dad, and as mum always said- to know a lupin is lucky, but to be a lupin is bliss" we said, synchronised. We laughed a real laugh, together. The first one in months.


I grabbed my trunk, and the pot of floo powder and waited for dad by the fireplace. My mind was wondering  "what will hogwarts be like?" And "I wonder if anyone will like me?" And "I wonder how long it'll be until people find out?". I shook my head, trying to fizzle the thoughts out. I can't let it get the best of me, it'll make it worse. Dad came through the door and then looked at me worriedly, I guess my face gave away how I was feeling. "Addalicia Lupin, please stop worrying over something that hasn't happened yet. You're stressing me out watching you stress out, you know stress will only make the next one worse, so please stop" he half smiled, trying to play it off light heartedly. I nodded and took a deep breath. "That's a good girl" he added and lightly punched me on the shoulder. I stepped into the fireplace with a pinch of powder and said "see you there- soboro coffee shop, Paddington" and threw the powder to the floor. I was rushed off my feet and into the green flames, travelling faster and faster until I stopped and stepped out the fireplace at the other end. I was in a wizards coffee shop, it was dark and cold, and the walls were stacked high full with bookshelves. I looked around a bit, then heard flames crackling. I looked at the fireplace and saw my dad with his bags. "Let's go, train leaves in 15" he said.

As soon as we walked through the gate to platform 9 3/4 the noise hit me like a Boulder. Babies crying, as well as families crying, goodbyes being said and laughter echoed the platform and a sense of being rushed over me. "All these people" I thought, " I don't know why I was panicking about not making friends" I smiled to myself and followed my dad onto the train. We found an empty compartment and sat down. Dad yawned "I'm think I'm going to sleep for a bit, it's been a long week" we smiled at each other, then I put our bags above our heads. I sat down opposite to him and looked out the window. My eyes stopped on an all red-head family, about 3 of them were saying goodbye to what I assumed was the father as a set of twins were getting told off by what looked like their mother. I closed my eyes and felt calm for the first time in a while. I've never understood why busy places made me so happy, but they do. Maybe it's to do with how many stories are in one area. How everyone is feeling different things in the same place, yet never experiencing the same thing as the person next to them, I'm not sure. I'm glad my dad is finally resting, it really has been a long week. We've been trying new medication to control our changes but it hasn't worked. My dad says we have nothing to worry about because a teacher at the school will help us. But I'm still scared, what if I make friends and they find out and turn against me? The door to our compartment opened and three people stood there- two boys and a girl. One boy had circular glasses with big blue eyes and floppy black hair whereas I recognised the other boy who was a vibrant ginger, from the family I saw earlier. The girl had curly brown hair and a cute smile and she said "is it ok if we share? Everywhere else is full" whilst tapping her fingers on the sliding door.
"of course, come in" I said with a grin. This is my chance to make friends, they look like a really nice group. The boy with glasses sat next to my dad and the girl and the other boy sat on my side. The black haired boy coughed and said "this is Hermione"
"Oh,nice to meet you!" I stuttered and she gave me an awkward wave, "this is Ron" continued the black-haired boy, and Ron gave me a little wave too, and I beamed at him. "And I'm Harry" he said with a smirk.
I replied, looking at them all "it's really nice to meet you all, I'm Adalicia but please call me addy, and this is my dad... who's asleep,and he'll be teaching defence against the dark arts this year"
"Oh that's good, our last teacher, well, he lost his mind" said Hermione and the three let out a giggle.
I asked curiously "is there a story behind that?"
"Oh yes, ohhhh yes" Ron noted as he looked at Harry. "Care to explain Harry?" He laughed, and they began to explain. The three of them told me the whole story of their second year at hogwarts, and it was interesting. From Harry being accused of attempted murder to Ron's little sister nearly dying, too a teenage boy coming out of a diary and trying to kill Harry. And to top it all off, they found out the old teacher was a fraud and he tried to wipe the three's memories, but it backfired and now he's in a hospital.
"Wow" I said through a breath, taking it all in.
"Yup" said Ron as he took a bite out of his sandwich.
"Wait wait wait, so your telling me you're THE Harry Potter?"
He nodded and his cheeks flushed a crimson colour.
As we laughed and talked about teachers and our families the train stopped. Ron peered out the window as it iced over. The sunny day just moments before had vanished, it looked like night.
"guys... there's something moving... out there" he whispered.
"Ron, don't scare us, we'll be fine" Hermione calmly replied. The lights flickered to the darkness, and our breath could be seen in the cold air.
"Addie! Addie! Help me, please don't let go!" Screamed mum. My blood curdled. I'm reliving my nightmares, over and over again. "Dad, DAD" i shouted whilst shaking him violently, I was drowning in my fear. "The flashbacks, mum! How can I help her! Why did this happen" I screamed as tears flowed down my face. Dad's eyes opened instantly, he stood up and pulled his wand out. He muttered a spell and a strong beam of white flowed out of his wand as he aimed it at the compartment' door. Happiness melted into me and the lights started to shine again. My tears slowed to a stop, everyone seemed a little messed up, but they were okay. Except Harry, who was out cold.Hermione and Ron stared at me...
"What! I'm not insane!" I screamed at them, like a psycho, dad looked at me, and I bit my tongue. I bet they think I'm an absolute idiot now. Great.

Dad explained to them what happened, it was a dementor. I know a lot about them because of our visits to azkaban. Hermione asked my dad a lot of questions and Ron just watched her in awe. It was sweet really. Harry started to wake and hermione started to fuss. "Harry, Harry! Are you okay? What happened?"
"Let him break 'mione" Ron said
"Oh yes, uh sorry"
"Did any of you... you know? Pass out?" Harry spoke weakly. We all shook our heads and he started to feel embarrassed. My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar and passed it to Harry. "Here, eat this, it'll help" he said kindly.
Dad then explained again to Harry what happened and what dementors were.
"Now," he said standing up "I need a little chat with the train driver, Harry eat, it'll help" and Harry took at bite. As dad left I turned to face the window, no one asked if I was okay, I think they sensed I should just be left alone for a bit. My mum's screams echoed my head and I couldn't stop thinking about the day she died. It was my fault. And I can never forgive myself for that.


Thankyou so much for reading! I'll continue making more chapters if anyone likes it!

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