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Russell sat in the corner of the steps crying. Penny approached him.

"Hey Penny Ling, can I ask you something, off the record?" Russell wiped his tears away.

"There's a record?" Penny asked, inquisitively. "What?" Russell asked, confused.

"Anyways, do you think I'm too- uhhh..." Russell stopped his thought.

"Too what?" Penny asked, curiously. "Too much of a pimp?" Russell asked.

"Well, I-I don't think so," Penny stuttered. "Why?"

Russell sighed, "What if someone's girlfriend gets mad if her boyfriend talks to others?"

"Is this about Zoe?" Penny asked, feeling super content knowing Russell got split and dumped by Zoe. 

"No, of course not! I mean, yes, it is about Zoe," Russell murmured. 

"Well Russell, ask yourself this, do you like her?" Penny asked. "After all the trouble she's put you through. You're always doing everything you can to help her out. She never does the same for you. She's also quite selfish."

"She was just being overdramatic over the fact that you keep talking to me when we're alone, so she thinks I'm basically like kinda like cheating on her. But Penny, don't worry about it, it's just Zoe being a little diva," Russell said. 

"Then that's Zoe's fault, as you shouldn't worry about her, Russell. She doesn't deserve you. You deserve a girlfriend who respects your friend choices, because you weren't cheating. She can't tell you not to be friends with other girls, or even me, just because you guys are dating. But I get that I spend too much time with you these days, so maybe she got envious," Penny suggested, walking away. 

Russell smacked his head against the stairs ten times, "Why is my life so crummy?", curling into a ball.

The bell rang for class, as the pets roamed the halls.

Sunil quickly saw Pepper walking towards bio class, and hid under her tail.

"Uh, Sunil, what are you doing?" Pepper asked, looking at the scared mongoose.

"Hiding," Sunil whispered.

"From who?" Pepper asked. "From THE TEACHER! I forgot to do my homework!" Sunil screamed, making a scene, as all the other pets stared at him. 

Penny noticed Sunil touching Pepper's tail, and couldn't help but smile. The thought of them being a couple seemed super adorable. Then it hit her. 
"Hmmm, maybe if Pepper and Sunil date, and OH! Minka and Vinnie get together, and I can be with Russell! This'll make Zoe so mad bitter she'll be totally jealous! That's what she deserves!" Penny Ling snickered, thinking to herself. 

As the pets headed to bio class, Penny Ling decided to write a card, pretending to be Pepper. 

Dear Sunil,

Whenever you rush

you make me blush

to class you wait

where i take bait

you hide under my tail

but i almost fail

to see how amazing you are

your furry baby,

peppy clark 


"Perfect!" Penny's eyes widened, with so much love. 

"All I have to do is, put this on Sunil's desk without him or anybody noticing," Penny thought. 

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