Jack, I Need To Tell You Something...

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Your POV

That night Jack and I tucked our children into bed, said good night, and shut the door. Returning to our room, Jack shut the door and said "Y/n, what are you distressed about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y/n, we've been married for 5 months. I can tell when something is troubling you. What is it?"

I sighed. "Jack, I need to tell you something. Can you please sit?"

He sat in a chair and I followed his example. I started to twiddle my fingers together, not knowing how to begin the conversation. Jack placed his hands on mine, causing me to look up at him. "Y/n, please tell me what's troubling you?"

My lip quivered, my hands started to shake, and tears began to well up in my eyes. "I've kept a secret from you, Jack. I feel so guilty of it."

Jack's eyes softened and one of his hands came up to my cheek. "What secret, y/n?"

"5 months ago I was given a message. This message said that Zalgo was coming back and that he would take away everything I loved to break me."

"Y/n, why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I thought you would get angry with me and leave me."

"Y/n, you know I'd never leave you. We need to tell Slender this."

"He wants to break our family apart, Jack. He wants to destroy us, he wants to break me so he can have me again. He wants me, Jack. He won't stop at nothing to reach his goal."

I started crying and threw my hands around Jack's neck. One of his hands wrapped around my back and the other was on top of my head. "Shh, it's alright. I won't let him near you, y/n."

"I'm scared, Jack. I'm scared for the safety of my family, friends, and myself. He's going to break me and take advantage of it."

"I won't let it happen, my dear. I'll protect you the whole time and if he dares to lay a claw on you, then I guess it's Pop Goes the Weasel for him!"

A small smile appeared on my face after Jack said that. "I love you, Jack."

"I love you too, y/n. We can tell Slender in the morning."

We both stood up and climbed into bed. Jack wrapped an arm around me and snuggled close. A smile crept on my face as I fell into sleep's embrace.

???'s POV

From the shadows I could see the scene play out in front of me. It was quite lovely actually, seeing y/n cry and how that insolent clown told her lies. It wasn't going to be alright, no, it would be far worse. For I would make y/n's family pay for what they did. My form slipped from the shadows and as I walked over to the bed, moonlight spilled into the window. As I came to the side of the bed, y/n rolled over to face that insolent clown. I raised my hands and let the magic happen. Black strings came from my fingers and each one wrapped around a different limb of y/n. Finally when the process was complete, she had black string on both wrists and ankles. I pulled the string, making y/n move along with it. A smile spread to my face as I led y/n out the window and to a place where most of her memories would come and flood back. The strings layed her on the dirty mattress and receded back into my fingers. "Sweet dreams, y/n. Hope to see you soon."

My shadow left the room and back into the night, where I returned to my kingdom.

If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now