Chapter 1

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"Lily, you can pay for the tickets," Layla huffs at you, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Exsqueeze me?" You flare your nostrils. "First of all, my name is Lilith. And second of all, I will not be paying for the tickets. I told you a billion times, I am broke!"

"Well I'm not paying for the tickets either," Layla scowls. "I'm cheap, and I'm not wasting my money on this Haunted Ghost Train ride which probably isn't even haunted."

"Guys, stop fighting," Mia smiles at the both of you. "I'll pay for the tickets."

"Ah, thank you Mia," you grin. "See, Layla, why can't you be more like Mia?"

"You will pay me back later, Lily." Mia glares at you. "Or else I'll turn you into a toad and eat you for dinner with intestine sauce."

"Never mind. Don't be more like Mia."

The three of you collect your tickets and enter the Haunted Ghost Train. With your veins pulsing with excitement, and eerie sounds emanating from within the dark, creepy tunnel, the train begins to crawl slowly into the depths of the darkness...

"This is fun, isn't it?" Mia whispers as the last fragment of light disappears behind you. You are plunged into darkness.

"Yeah," you reply, a grin dancing on your lips. "So much fun!"

"Lily." Layla's voice is suddenly sharp, alert. "Listen to me. You have to jump."

"Jump?" You arch an eyebrow, trying to spot Layla in the deep blackness but failing to see anything. "What do you mean? Jump where?"

"Trust me," Layla whispers.

Suddenly, a stream of blinding light pours through the cracks as you squint, attempting to acquaint yourself to the light. Blinking several times, you finally open your eyes and look around you with a gasp.

The train is empty.

Mia and Layla have disappeared.

Your heart is racing but you try to convince yourself that this is all part of the ride, designed to freak you out. Mia and Layla probably got taken on their own creepy adventures, and you'll all be reunited at the end.


The train pulls out onto a cliff and continues to roll across the tracks. To your left, the cliff ends in a steep drop, a waterfall cascading down the side of it and a fast moving river fifty metres below. To your right is endless mountain and rocks, so steep and uneven that it would be impossible to climb.

Looking ahead, you gasp as you notice that the train is about to collide into a 'STOP' sign and plummet off the edge, crashing into sharp, jagged rocks and killing you instantly.

No. No way. It's all part of the ride. You're not actually going to die.

But Layla's haunting words continue to spiral through your head.

You have to jump, Layla had said. Trust me.

With ten seconds left before you crash into the sign and may or may not fall to your death, you must make a choice...

If you choose:
(a) Trust Layla and jump into the river,
Then go to chapter 3

If you choose:
(b) Stay on the train and enjoy the ride,
Then go to chapter 8

Please make your choice in an in-line comment before proceeding to the next chapter.

The Chronicles of Dr Ana Lilith FuzzWhere stories live. Discover now