Going Home

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I look at the time '1:00 am'. I connect my phone to the speaker and call my dad.

Dad - Hello Sweetheart

Alice - Hey Dad

Dad - What's up

Alice - I'm on my way home

Dad - I thought you were coming next week?

Alice - Things got complicated here

Dad - With Erin?

Alice - ... She brought up a sensitive topic

Dad - That's no good

Alice - Yeah... I have to go and call my boss. I'll see you soon. I'll let myself in. I'll be home late

Dad - What time do you think?

Alice - I don't know maybe 2 to 3 am

Dad - Ok. I'll let everyone know, so they don't get concerned

Alice - Thanks dad. I'll see you soon

Dad - I love you sweetheart

Alice - I love you too dad

I start the engine and call Jim.

Jim - Miss me already

Alice - Haha, yeah... Um, Erin brought up a sensitive topic so I'm visiting my family for a while

Jim - Would you like me to fix the work scheduled?

Alice - If that's ok?

Jim - Would you like me to be with you right now?

Alice - ... If you're cool with taking 2 or more months off?

Jim - I'll get Michael to be temp manager, normally it would be you who'd be temp, but you need stress leave.

Alice - Thank you Jim, I'll come pick you up. Pack warm clothes.

Jim - Ok see you soon. Here is my address.

Alice - See you soon

Jim - See ya

I arrive at Jim's house and he puts his bag in the car.

Jim - How long were you planning on staying there?

He chuckles.

Alice - I might live there. I moved out of Erin's house, she treats me like a 5 year old. I'm over it.

I roll my eyes. Jim puts his hand on my thigh, I jolt, he moves his and away, I smile and put his hand back.

Jim - You don't need her. You have me now. I'll always be there for you

He says, making my heart melt. I smile at him and he smiles back.

Alice - I have to quickly call my dad and tell him you're coming with me. You're a friend, ok, He has guns and he is crazy about me having a boyfriend. I've always been the innocent one in my family, well other than my little brothers and sisters.

He nods and understands, I smile.

Dad - Hey, are you here yet?

Alice - No I just left the petrol station

Dad - Where at?

Alice - Coburg, Dad chill.

Dad - Sorry these kids are driving me crazy, Kyle and Harry are in Melbourne and Kira went to Paris to make fancy clothing.

Alice - Dad I'm on my way, I'm bringing a friend and he....

Dad - HE?!?!?!?!?!

Alice - Dad, HEEEEE, is just a friend

Trent in the background

Trent - Alice and some dude, sitting in a tree having sex, first comes protection then comes none, then comes an accident in a baby bum.

Alice - Shut up Trent.

Dad - Leave Alice alone, she's going through more shit than you, dumbass.

Alice - Thanks again dad

Dad - Anything for my little possum

Alice - We'll be there in an hour and a half

Dad - Ok see you soon, or when I wake up

Alice - See you then

We put on some music and jam out. It's 1:30 am and we are acting like it's 10 pm. We arrive at my family house and obviously no one is awake, but then the baby cries. All the lights get turned on and I see Trent in the hallway with a bat.

Trent - Oh it's only you and some dude.

He rubs his eyes

Trent - SOME DUDE!

Alice - Shut up, he's my friend, Go deal with Lucas.

Trent - Fine. Also you're in the guest house.

Alice - Thanks. See you at breakfast. 6 am?

Trent - Yeah. dad wants you to work Jack, he hasn't been worked in years

Alice - He's still alive?!

Jim - Who is Jack?

Alice - My dressage horse, we have to see him now.

We run outside and drive the car to the guest house. I then turn the night stage lights on and see all the horses.

Jim - Can we go to sleep?

Alice - Yeah. I just wanted to see them all.

I turn the light off and we get inside and bring our bags in and make ourselves comfortable.

Jim - Where would you like me to sleep?

Alice - I don't mind sharing

Jim blushes hard-core, I laugh

Alice - I'm serious, I don't mind if we share.

Jim shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

Jim - Sure, if that's what you want.

I smile and kiss his cheek. He blushes.

I get into my pj's, a baggy t-shirt and short shorts. Jim puts on a light tank top and gray track pants (sweatpants). We get into bed and Jim keeps his distance in the bed, probably scared or nervous.

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