The kid was...worried about him— but also he's just been standing here what could he have possibly done that was so outta character?

"I'm fine." He flashed his own smile and that seem to do the job, a genuine smile returning to the boy's face and Gojo doesn't know why that made his chest feel lighter. Flashing another smile that seem way to bright and genuine he followed his other friend's step and entered the house.

Gojo's gaze stayed glued to the spot the boy stood, like he was still there, his brain feeling like it was carving the boy's features on it self.

But as suddenly as he stopped himself , he blinked and he wasn't looking at the patch of grass Yuuji stood on anymore but a cardboard box in the corner of his room.

He was back.

Gojo's shoulders sagged in disappointment. It was definitely longer then the last time but at the same time it felt way too short, especially since he was getting actual interaction with peo people and not a unconscious body in an practically empty uninteresting room. He was kinda looking forward into kicking his supposed students asses.

With a thoughtful pout he flopped onto his bed.

'Gojo Sensei.'

It had a nice ring to it. He liked it but he couldn't fathomed the reality of him being a Sensei, he honestly couldn't picture it. Nor understand why he'd took up teaching, he'd be horrible at it. He's willing to bank that the school was so under staffed they made him do it because theres no way he'd do it of his own volition and when was the school ever probably staffed. Never.

But he guesses it didn't seem too bad. He only seen them for what felt like a few minutes and he could tell his "students" seem to be quite an interesting bunch. The Nobara girl, he'd already decided he liked her she had fire. Short brunnet, hair cute face but fierce, she was rather tiny but that's where fire cracker was a very accurate description of her, he could tell.

The Fushiguro Megumi kid, even if he did resemble his dad quite a bit at first but after taking him in, like his name, he looked quite feminine, not fully but a face he'd honestly have to describe as pretty. He was Small, long eye lashes, slim face though he still had a strong cut jaw. He didn't show or say much but from That he could already say he was much much different from his father and not just physically and cursed energy wise. He looked quite aloof, his father, like himself, seemed like the type to never shut up, Megumi reminded him of Nanami but more layed back... 'a great candidate for teasing!' Gojo concluded. There was also the fact that he'd like to think the Zen'in were foaming at the mouth having their own being mentored by a rival clan, a Gojo no less. He smirk letting out a low chuckle.

And then there was Yuuji. This was technically the second time he met him. Though he doesn't know if his unconsciousness state counted.

Unforgettable pink hair, big eyes, round cheeks, matching scars under his eys that didn't at all take away from the softness and Youthfulness of his face. He was quite small— okay maybe he called all of them small, but they were, even compare to his 17 year old body they were small.

He seem by far the lest threatening amongst the three, a very approachable character.

Well approachable if you didn't count the more then borderline dangerous cursed energy that eminated from him, still there if just a bit fainter, or more like restrained, if that was the case then he was impressed. Other then cursed energy the boy had a positive vibe to him. The sunshine of the group he's guessing.

'Gojo Sensei!'

He recalled the boy's enthusiastic smile as he ran up to him, it was..he didn't want to say unsettling, it wasn't, it's wasn't unpleasant, it was just

For some one to greet him with such an air or fervour, enthusiasm AND familiarity was weird. People that knew him knew he was a lil shit and his welcomings were a variation of annoyance and hostile and that still counts even if they were actually happy to see him. Because his personality solicited that behavior. People that didn't know him would annoyingly swoon and blush at his titles and appearance.

There was hardly a middle ground. No one has ever asked him if he's okay so outwardly and genuinely, not with out the run around from both sides first anyway.

'Sensei are you okay?'

This kid, the kid did it with familiarity and zero hesitation. And there was no swooning just pure admiration and for the split second his smile froze, genuine worry. 

But people don't worry about him. People don't need to worry about him. He was the strongest after all. If Gojo's his Teacher then he should know he shouldn't have to worry.

Gojo frowned. It was just a simple sentence and a glance of an unwarranted emotion. he shouldn't be thinking too hard of it. Maybe that was just what it was to be a teacher. To have some of your students ready to set you on fire at any given time and other admire you to death. The pulsing in his chest when Yuuji's smiled suns at him was just a prideful reaction to the boy. Yeah. That was it.

Turning to his side Satoru reached up for his phone, perched on his pillow and checked the time, it was still early in the afternoon. He'd honestly spent more time laying here thinking about his little "trip" longer then the trip itself had lasted.

He definitely wanted to kick their butts next time. See what his pupils were made of.

Unlocking the device thinking he could go a few minutes scrolling through he froze when it unlocked. He distinctively remembered his phone being on his messages last time he used it. He was spamming Utahime with random memes and pictures of her butchering their recent mission together. She didn't exactly butcher it but Satoru liked to document her embarrassing moments and send them to her which is what he was doing before this—  that's untill she had it and blocked him for the 45th time.

But it wasn't on the message app anymore it was his notes app. A message written out obviously for him.

~having fun? I'm sure you are. Just don't overdo it okay~

He didn't have to think hard who it was from. It was obvious who it was from. The technique did work both ways, switching consciousness between both bodies after all.

He huffed a laugh, And there was no way anyone else knew his password "GojoSatoruLikesStrawberryCoconutIceCreamMochi" besides himself.


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