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Everything was dark.. Everything was so dark. My head spun, I couldn't tell if I was moving or not. I couldn't even tell if I was awake. My eyes were screwed shut, and even though I tried to open them, nothing happened. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't talk, or move, I was just stuck in this mass of darkness. The only thing I knew, was that I was alive, and breathing.

My heart thumped against my chest widely as I tried to think. Tried to remember something, anything. I only got bits and pieces, and thinking only made the pounding in my head grow. Suddenly, my body jolted slightly from some kind of force. I didn't know what, I didn't care too much.

Suddenly something flashed, as I heard a creaking echo. It was like someone opened an old metal gate. I heard voices, but they were slightly muffled. As if I was under water, I couldn't tell what they were saying, but I could hear them. My heart began to pound harder and faster, my body jolted again as something- or someone, jumped next to me. I began to get a little feeling back, the pain began to increase. I was trying to say something, anything. I couldn't tell what I was trying to say, I just needed them to know I was alive. I needed to say something! They had to hear me.

Suddenly it was as if I was brought back to life, I managed to snap my eyes open. My body lunging forward slightly, my chest heaved air into my lungs. I began to cough slightly as I heard something around the lines of.

"Is she okay?"

"It's a girl.."

"What's going on..?"

My eyes stung from the sudden bright light. I squinted slightly, but among the many faces, I seemed to recognise some of them. I didn't remember who they were exactly, but I knew them.

My body enveloped in pain, as I winced as black spots began to cloud my vision again. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around me and lift me up onto my feet. I couldn't hold myself up however, so they held onto me tightly. I squinted some more, their voices drowning out once again. I tried to speak, I never stopped trying.

Suddenly it all came crashing down at once, my knees buckled, I held back vomit as everything began to black out once again. The person who was holding me up, nearly dropped me. I glanced back up at the many faces of boys staring down at me, I didn't understand what was going on.

"Hey, it's going to be okay.. Dammit," the boy next to me hissed, everything was beginning to blur, I couldn't see his face.

"Hold tight.. Stay awake, okay?" I couldn't tell who was saying what anymore. I was being moved around. I was lifted out of some kind of box, or crate.. I was placed onto the ground, I felt what appeared to be grass, tickling my skin.

I whispered something, my voice was hoarse, it hurt to speak.

"What did you say..?"

I tried again, forcing myself to speak louder, I didn't understand what I was trying to say, I was so out of it.

"Alby.." I managed to mumble.

Murmurs were heard, but at this point it didn't seem to important as I was rushed somewhere. I heard something along the lines of 'Med-Jacks', and even though I didn't understand a single bit of it. I was glad that I was somewhat safe now.


Something I hadn't felt in a long time.

* * *

Everything still hurt, my head continued to buzz. I didn't remember what happened really.. I remember seeing, many, many, boys. I remember feeling like I was run over by something. I breathed slowly, forcing my eyes to open. I squinted a little, as I wasn't used to the brightness of the light. I began to sit up, I placed a hand to my head, as I winced and hissed a little.

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