Start from the beginning

Half of the time, I don't understand what she's saying.

I walked into Max's room to see Ginny and Marcus staring each other down before he pulled a bag of weed from her jacket.

"Are you guys gonna kiss or what?" I laughed, making Ginny flinch and Marcus pull away.

He smirked, "Don't be jealous, N/N, I'm all yours."

"Good to know." I winked back.

He dangled the bag around, "Round 2?"

"Nah, I need to go home and my mom would grill me if I came back high... again."

"Mhm. You know where to find me though." With that he walked out leaving Ginny confused and Max annoyed.

She sighed, "Sorry about him."

Ginny and Max worked on the English homework they received but since I ran out, I didn't get it. I decided to have a nap whilst they did whatever. Today was tiring, both mentally and physically.

I jumped up to the sound of a motorcycle revving. Was Zion back already? I stumbled over Max's junk but I eventually made it to Maxine's window just in time to see Ginny hop off Marcus' bike and kiss him.

The kiss lasted around 2 seconds before he pushed her off and whispered something to her. She looked taken back before apologising and running off. A car pulled up and Marcus jumped in, driving away down the street. Once the coast was clear I walked home, only to hear two doors slam shut, Georgia shout and another door slam.

"Hello? Everything alright up there?" No answer, "Okay then, well, I'm going to the kitchen."


School the next day was awkward, Ginny seemed to be grouchier than usual and Max wouldn't stop talking. They introduced me to Abby and Norah but there was clearly no connection between us. I mean, Norah was kind of sweet but Abby seemed uptight and I really didn't have the energy for that.

"..not his pocket, guys, his pants, like where his balls are and he just pulls out a ring and proposes. It is the best show." Max continued but Ginny's mind looked to be somewhere else. She was staring at Marcus talking to a girl, the same girl he left with after she kissed him. I was going to say something but decided against it, it wasn't my fight to fight.

"Hunter, do you watch Vanderpump Rules?"

"No, sorry."

"Wait, you're Hunter? The same Hunter that was checking out my sister yesterday?" I smirked.

Ginny was pulled out of her head once she heard her name in the conversation, "Y/N, stop you're embarrassing me."

"I was only asking." I huffed.

"I wouldn't say 'checking out' I would call it 'admiring ones looks'."

I grinned, "Cute."

Max interrupted, "They're coming over tonight so I can pop their VR cherries."

"Oh, well, I was gonna ask Ginny if she wanted to hang tonight but if she's busy we can do it anot—"

"No. That's fine, she can most definitely hang today."

"But you just said—"

"It's the worst show, Hunter. Once the cast turned 30, it was just sad."

He turns back to Ginny, "Ok, so, would you want to then?"

"Uh-huh, sure."

"Great, it's a date."

"Oh— A date? You mean as friends?"

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 | 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now