Start from the beginning

Just then, Cameron walked in and tossed his jacket on the couch. His stomach growled as a wonderful aroma was welcomed by his nose. Heading into the kitchen, he found Riley focused and cooking. A warm smile was set on his face as he snaked his hands around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Something smells absolutely amazing in here," he told her, as he kissed her neck.

"When did you get here? Just now?" she asked, noticing his presence.

"Mhm," he nuzzled his face into her neck. "What are you making?"

"Your favorite," she giggled lightly.

Cameron smiled. "But I have a lot of favorite foods. More importantly, you're my favorite."

"Way to make the subject of food, a dirty conversation, Cameron," she said sarcastically.

He chuckled. "So, chicken alfredo?"

"Chicken alfredo," she nodded. "Now, let me go so I can finish making it."

"Alright, but I need a kiss before I leave," he turned her to face him.

"Cam," she warned. "Do you want your dinner to burn?"

"Baby, I haven't seen you since this morning."

"You've texted me the whole day though," she responded, shrugging.

"That's nothing, babe. I rather be talking to you eye to eye, than through a phone screen," he said still hugging her. "Now, I want my kiss."

She sighed. "Fine." She then gave him a quick peck, making him scowl unsatisfied.

"Baby," he called unsatisfied. "You really going to leave me hanging like that?"

She smiled at him innocently. "I need to finish cooking, Cam."

He pouted. "Fine, but you owe me a proper kiss."

After he left the kitchen, Riley laughed to herself amused at how cute Cameron was being. She finished up with the pasta adding her final touches to the dish. She began sharing out their food in plates. When she was done, she carried their plates to the dinning area. She was lighting a candle nearby when Cameron came back wearing gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt that made the lining of his abs peek through. Drying his hair, she stopped mid-way seeing him.

"Now that's unfair," she complained.

"What?" he asked innocently. "I just got out of the shower."

"You're very well aware of what you're doing, Cameron?" she told him setting the lit candle on the table turning to him.

He stepped closer to her purposely pushing his hair back to tease her. "I'm not doing anything at all, love."

"Don't act innocent with me now, Cam. You're trying to get back at me for not giving the kiss you wanted."

He chuckled. "Love, if I were actually trying to tease you, I would've had you right on that on counter under me. I could get that kiss whenever I want to."

"Is that so?" She stepped in front of him, challenging him.

He pulled her closer by her waist. "Don't make me do something I might regret, baby. However, I'm still waiting for that kiss you owe me."

Their noses brushed against each other as she leaned in. "Nah, I think you'll be fine without one, love."

"See now. What you're not going to do, is blatantly tease me," he gripped her waist a little tighter earning a gasp from her. He then stole that kiss he was waiting for.

She pulled away from him with light-pink tinted cheeks. "Let's just eat..."

The two sat down and began eating. A comfortable silence fell between them. All there was the sound of their forks hitting their plates each bite they took. After a while, Cameron decided to break the silence.

"You should call me 'love' more often," he said teasing her.

That pink-rosy tint that left her cheeks came back again. "Shut up."

"How was your day off?" he chuckled finding her shyness cute.

"It was nice, I guess. It's been a long time since I actually took a day off and relaxed, really relaxed."

"What did you do today?"

"Eh, I went to the spa, shopped a bit."

"That's good," he smiled at her.

"What about you? How was Buckingham palace?"

He sighed. "It was even more hectic than it already this because we're going to have to pull back on our plan a bit."

"How come?" she asked. "Everything was going smoothly."

"Alyssa's missing," he revealed.

"What?!" she looked at him shocked. "How did that happen?"

"My guess is that she snuck out after we finished our shifts last night and met up with some friends. She hasn't come back since. And here," he said, giving her his phone.

His Instagram was opened, and her mother's page was seen. She then read the statement her mother wrote.

"Well, well, I guess she does have a decent bone in her body," she chuckled.

"That's not all though."

Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Taking his phone back, he opened his email and showed her a file. A file that had everything, more than what Eli told him about the day Eli received the information Sylvia had given him. He watched as she read everything. The changes in her expression were enough from him to understand how she was feeling. The anger in her eyes, heartbreak, sadness, all of it. Both her and her mother went through the same thing. Both did wrong by using their trauma to hurt each other, drive each other apart. Yet, in the end, Riley's heart will never change no matter how hallow it is. Her heart still held care for her mother.

"Babe?" he called, worriedly. "You okay?"

"When we're done here, Benny boy is next," she vowed. "And I don't care what my aunt nor my cousins think."

He smirked because he knew that she was about to raise hell. "Then let's get Alyssa back to safety, the Spanish prime minister out of office, and Miranda off the throne first."

BEHIND THE MASK- BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now