Harry Has A Nightmare part1

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Hey everyone! Just a quick note: I am so sorry for not updating, I ran into a H U G E chunk of writers block, and I am so thankful for my friend Andy for being the first person to read and help me with this story! They truly are amazing and insanely patient to listen to all my ramblings. I hope you guys enjoy! There will be a second chap to this. Now to the story!

Part1: Harry has a nightmare

"Well well well. The chosen one has decided to grace us with his presence. How thoughtful of you, Harry."

He was surrounded by blurry shapes, people in deatheaters masks and robes dark as pitch. 

"We have a little... Surprise.. for you." Voldemort laughed, a cold sound like nails running down a chalkboard.

Then everything went black.

"Ahhh!" Harry gasped, frantically trying to find his glasses with sweaty hands, shaking from fear.

As soon as he found them, he pulled on a jumper and some socks, and shook Ron.

"Mm whaisit 'arry?" He asked, only just awake.

"Im going downstairs," he said.

"Mm-k" Ron rolled over and promptly fell back asleep.

Outside the common room, all was quiet except for the sound of Harry's footsteps. He was thankful that even half awake he'd had enough sense to put on socks. Walking on the cold floors would not have been much fun without them.

As he turned the corner he saw a window overlooking the school grounds, the forbidden forest bathed in silver-grey light.

He sat on the windowsill that was big enough for atleast two people, his heart finally slowing from the nightmare. As he pressed his forehead against the cold glass, he wondered if his dream had been real, or just fear fueled.

He turned, hearing footsteps. 

 Cursing himself silently for not bringing his invisibility cloak with him, he tried to make himself as small as possible on the hard stones of the windowsill.

"Harry?" A familiar voice called, sounding confused.

"Yeah?" He answered, wondering why Draco was up so late and why he was by the Gryffindor wing of the castle.

"Hey is everything ok? You look like you're kinda freaked out." Draco unclasped the hook on his cloak, revealing a pair of jeans and a fluffy green sweater. He gestured to the spot next to Harry on the sill, silently asking if he could sit.

Harry nodded and moved a bit so there would be room for the blond, who sat with his back to the wall and his legs crossed, his cloak loosely folded in his lap. 

"Just a bad nightmare, that's all," he crossed his legs and looked at Draco.

"How come you're up so late?" Harry asked with at a small smile.

"I honestly don't know.. I just felt like I needed some fresh air." Draco smiled back.

As they sat quietly Harry began to shiver, the cold of the stone seeping into his back and legs.

Here," Draco unfolded his cloak, and patted the stone beside him. "Sit," He smiled, his blond hair glowing in the moonlight.

Harry slid over to sit next to Draco, who wrapped his cloak around him.

"Thank you," Harry said blushing, and snuggling into Draco's side.

"Of course." Draco said, his cheeks turning pink. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Harry, who had pretty much snuggled himself into Draco's lap, his arms around back, and his nose nuzzled into the blond boys neck.

They stayed like that until eventually Harry fell asleep. 

When Draco was sure that he was out cold, he lightly kissed Harry's forehead, and watched the sun slowly rise through red and orange coloured clouds.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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