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Chase Hudson

I wake up the next day to a dark room and pick up my phone from the night stand. The screen lights up and the time shows, 3:45 am.

I remembered the night before.

After coming home from the precinct, I had immediately hopped into the shower and put my clothes in the laundry bin. My coffee stained shoes laid right next to the door, where I had taken them off.

The cold water hitting my skin felt like heaven except on my bruises, which had now turned purple, it burned.

I got out of the shower and put on some comfy clothes, a black hoodie with some shorts.

My wet hair fell into my eyes so I put on a headband to hold my hair back while I do something about the bruises on my face.

For the next few hours I went downstairs to get  breakfast and played some videogames.

My phone vibrated on my desk and I saw the display light up.

"Rachel" was written across the screen. I sighed and ignored it.

Charli D'amelio

I walk into my dad's workplace, the police precinct.
I had come here to surprise him with his favorite drink, an iced vanilla latte with cold foam.

It was just past his work break but they wouldn't care, he is the boss there after all.

I get in the elevator and press the button to the 3rd floor and before I knew it I was there.

A crowd of cops huddled around a desk, a room full of disheveled people who were arrested and the smell of the floor cleaner?

I step out and rearrange the coffee cups while walking and before I knew it I bumped into someone.

A guy. That was all I could make out before I saw the cups of coffee fall onto the floor and it's contents spilling on the floor and his shoes.

I look down in horror and look up only to come across two blue eyes piercing into mine.

It was now that I noticed how handsome this guy was. Pale skin, blue eyes, black hair parted in the middle, he seemed straight out of a 90's high school movie.

This was when I realized that I hadn't fell to the floor but instead he caught me. I awkwardly grab his arm and stand back up.

"I'm sorry," we both said in unison.

"About the coffee," we repeated.

He continues on by apologizing and saying he wasn't watching where he was going. I apologized for the coffee that now coated his shoes.

I introduced myself and he did the same.

He told me his name was Chase and with that he had to leave. The last thing I saw was the back of his head before the elevator doors closed shut.

I went about my day and told my dad why I visited and what happened to the coffee. He had someone clean it up. For the next few hours I decided to hang back in my dad's office while he interrogated some more suspects.

It was then that my eyes focused on a file on his desk that was slightly opened. Some papers were sticking out but what caught my attention the most was the name that stood on the label.

"Chase Hudson"

Chase?! My mind flashed back to the guy who I had bumped into not too long ago. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the file to find a picture inside.

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