Chapter 2

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Yibo:"This is really bed. They are forcing us to learn something that we don't like"
Si zhiu:"I know yibo, but we have to."
Yibo:"I know why they are doing this."
Jing yi:"Why?"
Yibo:" they are hiring a new teacher for arts. The number of students for arts is low when we compare it with other. So they are using him to teach music to other students to capitalise on him."
Si zhui:"How did you know yibo?."
Yibo"I overheard when i went to staff room"
Jing yi :"This is the dark side of a private owned university "
Ling:"Stop it you fools, this is belong to his family. He is teaching it because he loves music. He introduced it because he wanted to help the students who learn tough majors. According to him, this is a kind of free period. He wanted to entertain those kids. He is trying to help those who are in stress because of their major. This is our last year. So enjoy the free period"
Yibo:"You seems know a lot about him"
Ling:"Well, he is my uncle"
Jing yi:WHAT!?"
Ling" this university belong to my mother's family"
Si zhui:"Why didn't you tell us"
Ling:" my second uncle warned me, he said he will kill me if I show off by saying this so I kept this as a secret"
Jing yi:"That was scary"
Ling:" which teacher was talking behind my family's back ?"
Yibo:" it was out of my interest, so I didn't give my attention to him"
Si zhui:" it's ok ling, they are just gossiping that's all. They don't know the truth"
Jing yi: " why they are not exposing it"
Jing yi: " he is the son of the owner"
Ling: " unlike my second uncle, he doesn't like popularity. He wanted to live normal. He doesn't like it when other teachers treat him differently. He even have all qualifications. He wanted to give an interview too. But grandpa scolded him."
Si zhui:" he is so good, loyal and honest"
Ling: " yeah he is. And he has many other qualities too. People often say that he is a whole pack of good human being. "
Jing yi: "what is his name"
Ling:" I won't kill the suspense. Wait, he will introduce himself "
Jing yi:" ok ok don't tell"
Si zhui:" Yibo, why are you sitting silently. Is everything ok?"
Yibo: "ah.. I have been thinking about someone "
Ling: "oh yeah, your schoolmate."
Yibo: " he was honest and loyal too"
Jing yi: you said it's been years since you met him. Then why are you still thinking about him
Yibo:" I don't know"

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