CHAPTER 2 'Coal'

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• not quite; very nearly.


_______  second person POV  _______

As Seven slipped beneath the small opening, you hesitantly turned back, looking around the illuminated room one more time before following behind him. You bumped into his shoulder once when he took a step back before running a few steps and jumping over the coal he mentioned earlier, which was lined up in a wide streak, as if it was purposely set there.

After jumping over the short space, the young boy glanced around the room, directing his flashlight to wherever he needed to look and squinting if it still wasn't bright enough. For a moment, it looked like he'd found something, and he left your side for barely 30 seconds before returning with a small, tethered cloth. It was fairly long and a bit burnt, coated in a thin layer of ash and looking as though it was falling apart. You were confused at first, but it clicked in your mind when he tugged roughly on both ends—proving its durability—and tied one end around his wrist before holding the other end out to you. "This way, we'll stay close but we can still use both of our hands." he says, and you nod thoughtfully.

"Good idea, but what if we need to split up?" you say as you tie your end around your own thin wrist, tying it in a small bow due to any extra length so that it wouldn't dangle around.

"Then, you can just tug your end loose. Bows are easy to undo. You just pull the tails, right?"

"Oh, yeah." you say, rubbing your neck bashfully at your lack of attention for the moment. He turns around, and you're pretty sure he smiled at you, but you couldn't tell when there was barely any light other than his, rather dim, flashlight. The area has grown incredibly silent, and as the two of you move on slowly, it's only maybe a minute or so that has passed when you both come across another long trail of coal. You can't help but gulp a bit, and his attention drifts to the right.

The two of you end up crawling atop a big (compared to the two of you) crate of coal, and once he helps you up, you tense a bit. Cupping your hand over his mouth, you point over his shoulder. You can almost swear that you see his eyes beneath his overgrown locks of hair go wide in fear. You both watch timidly, the very same Janitor that had caught you earlier was wandering around just in front of what you both just knew was the doorway you needed to go through.

Seven's arm was wrapped around your back, hugging you closer when the Janitor wandered up to the crate, and you could feel his warm, shit odored breath wafting over the two of you, your hand instinctively lifting to your face to pinch your nose which was already scrunched up in disgust.

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