Let me interrupt for a sec

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Okay so i just found out that I was tagged a month agoo to do a twenty things about me


so now I'm doing it

1) my brown hair is naturally ombré

2) I'm extremely irritable but I keep it in so now people think i have high tolerance

3) my eyelashes are way too long so i cant wear mascara unless I want them to brush up against my glasses

4) i wear glasses, just not when recording videos and such

Because glare

5) i dont know how to ride a bike

... Please dont scream at me

6) I've had a lot of dental problems, for instance

I got my canine teeth pulled before getting braces on so at that time my teeth were perfecto

And then my canines came in all lopsided

7) I have about five birthmarks and the majority of them are on my left arm so when people see it they're so weirded out

8) I have migraines and when I do I cannot eat sodium, cheese, or chocolate, otherwise the pain will get sharper


9) I'm allergic to caffeine but not when its in iced coffee... Hm

10) i am extremely fond of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I play their NES games a bunch

11) my family is really into Girl Scouting

Both of my sisters are Girl Scouts, one on her last year and the other completed with it

One of my sisters is an official leader

My mother was leader to three troops but now two, and is the Number One GS Cookie Storage (also known as Cupboads) in southeastern MI

And I'm on my seventh year of scouting

12) I'm too obsessed with food

I'm not kidding

13) I've drawn enough cats to call myself a pre-professional i think

14) I have a pond in my backyard *thumbs up*

15) my father owns a watch and clock repair shop, and since my sister wants to be a veterinarian, my other sister a fashion journalist, and my brother a marine life scientist, I hope to follow in his footsteps and own the shop one day

16) I'm very tan and my family claims I'm adopted because I look nothing like them

17) i really can't be broken by what people say: I've heard enough to know what matters and what does not

18) I'm terrible at math but not so much with the more literary classes

19) i like to be organized but I never am

So it's like i fight with myself on that one

20) I LOVE singing but sometimes I get too into it in choir class and people might think im showing off



So yeah thats that!

Ill tag...

No one?

If you want to do this then you can but I won't force yous

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