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Lev is a pretty ordinary guy. He's a tall, grey-haired boy who's right now stressing out about his girlfriend's upcoming birthday. Lev and his girlfriend Kaede had been dating for over 5 months now and both of them seem to be pretty happy with their relationship. When Lev met Kaede he fell head over heels for her. She was a sweet girl and absolutely loved reading. (That's really basic but whatever) Lev wasn't really that interested in reading but he really seemed to like Kaede. After a while, he started talking to her and eventually asked her out. But ever since they started dating Kaede stopped going to the library and just didn't seem to like reading anymore. Lev knew that Kaede was still the same person and that he still loved her but he missed the Kaede he fell head over heels for.

Lev's pov
I'm currently laying in my bed and I have literally no idea what to get my girlfriend Kaede for her birthday. Kaede didn't even tell me if there was anything special that she wanted for her birthday she just told me that I could get her anything expensive. Well, thank you for that one Kaede. I got up and decided to go look for something that I could get her. I slipped on my shoes and put on my coat and went out. Kaede wasn't home at the moment so I thought this would be the perfect moment to go look for something.

I had been walking for a straight 15 minutes now and I haven't seen anything that caught my eye. I kept on walking and decided to go inside a small shop.The shop sold a lot of jewelry which is a pretty good and expensive present, but I felt like I could get my girlfriend something a little bit more special. I feel like every guy would get their girlfriend jewelry on their birthday. I got out of the small shop and kept on walking. I didn't see anything else that caught my eye until I saw a tiny stand a little bit down the street. It looked like some kind of painting stand. I went over to the stand and on the other side sat the most beautiful boy I've seen in my entire life. I knew I shouldn't be checking out other people but I just couldn't keep my eyes away from the boy. He noticed me staring and looked up from the painting he was currently working with.

"Is there anything you want, sir?" He asked.

Gosh that voice, it was so beautiful. It wasn't light as i expected, it was rather dark but still so very beautiful.

"Oh I'm sorry I guess I just got pretty caught up in what you were doing" I lied

I knew exactly what I got caught up staring at.

"Ah I see, my name Is Yaku Morisuke and I'm a painter as you can see. If you want to I could paint something for you, that's my job after all" he said and gave me a nice smile.

I thought a little bit before answering. Maybe this could be a great present for Kaede. I do have a picture of her so maybe I could ask him to paint it.

"Sure, how much?" I asked and smiled back at him.

"20$ will do, just give me a picture of whatever you would like me to paint and I will have it done by tomorrow" he said.

I showed him the picture of Kaede and he looked up at me.

"Do you by any chance have a picture that I could have?" I'll give it back when you get the painting tomorrow, he asked me.

"Oh, I don't think so. We could exchange numbers though and I could send it to you?" I asked him and looked down at my feet

Lev you stupid, asking to exchange numbers with someone you just met, he probably thinks you're weird or something now.

"Sure, that works" he said and gave me a tiny smile.

I looked back up and quickly unlocked my phone so I could let him put in his number.

He tapped a few numbers until he was finally done and handed back the phone. He handed me his phone and I put in my phone number and named myself "Leg" by accident.

He laughed when I handed him his phone back and I gave him a confused look.

"Leg huh?" It fits, he laughed and looked at me.

"Oh fuck, I accidentally named myself Leg didn't I?" I sighed.

He just nodded and started laughing again.

"HEY, it's not that funny" I pouted

"It is" he said

"It's not, my name is Lev, Lev Haiba. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier" I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's fine, but you should probably send me that picture now Leg" he snorted.

"My name isn't Leg" I said as I pulled out my phone and sent him the picture.

"Thank you, be back by 7 a.m tomorrow and I should have it done by then" he told me as he waved me off.

7 a.m, that should be enough time. I'll just let her sleep in, I might not have time to wrap it though.

"Thank you!" I said and walked off.

Yaku.. I couldn't get his name out of my head. I should really message him some other time
Well, that's it for chapter one. I hope you enjoyed:)

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