Stephen x femreader

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"Stephen wait up dear!" I picked up my pace as I chased after my husband. He saw me falling behind and stopped waiting for me to reach his side. "Were close my love, the Lord told me. Just hold on a bit longer." he kissed my forehead, pushing me forward by the small of my back. I walk along careful to not trip on the many roots sticking out of the uneven forest floor. My husband and I were on our way to meet William Wallace, Stephen said he must protect him under orders from the Lord. I would not let him go alone so here we are hundreds of miles from home searching the north for a legend. My husband is a great warrior, he insisted that I learn to defend myself when we got married. We knew the war was on the horizon, Scotland was done with English rule. They were willing to die for their freedom and that was a cause we were ready to die for as well.

"I see fire ahead my love! That must be it, come faster dear! Yes, Father, I will check when we arrive." Stephen smirked as we slowed walking into a camp of Scots. "Are you ready darling?" I pulled my husband along eager to meet the man leading the rebellion. We earned a suspicious look as we got closer to William. William stood in front of us, Stephen walked over to their fresh soup pouring the sweet-smelling liquid into his mouth. "Tell me Wallace if I fight for you, will I get to kill English?" my husband watched his reaction closely waiting for his next words. "Yes, you fight and you will get to kill English." My husband smiled at this. "Great! My name is Stephen and this is my lovely wife Y/n!" I heard a laugh from a large man next to the dirty blond. "This is no place for a woman Irishman! She'll die, women are not made for war!" His voice came out mockingly. My breath hollowed, I hated such piggish comments.

Stephen and I shared a knowing look and I threw my knife next to the large man cutting his braid off and sinking my knife into the tree behind his head. All eyes followed my movements, all the men nearby drawing their weapons. The man went to cut me and Stephen blocked his blade. His facial features darkened watching the man. "Never underestimate a woman, sir, for it might be the last thing you do." Stephen smiled at my words. "Enough Hamish! Lower your blade." William looked sternly at the man. Reluctantly the man lowered his blade and sat down. Stephen pulled me to his side holding my waist. "She truly is an interesting thing isn't she!" We sat next to the man now known as Hamish. " That was quite impressive miss, where did you learn to do that?" curiosity filled William's eyes as he looked at me. "You can ask this man right here! He taught me all I know when we wed." Stephen pulled me closer to his body. "Aye! He taught you greatly miss, we can use any willing to fight even you." I smiled pleased with his words. "I admire your cause, sir. We will follow you, bleed with you if it comes to it." Stephen nodded agreeing to my sentence.

Hamish spoke up "You all must be hungry after your travels, here eat." I handed a bowl over to Stephen. I hold mine in my lap as I lean on my husband eating the appetizing meal enjoying every bite. It would be a while before we eat something like this again. After we finished eating Stephen and I found a place to rest. "I need to wash up love, I'm going to head down to the creek nearby. Care to join me?" Stephen's eyes lit up a smirk finding its way to his lips. "Of course my dear, lead the way." we started down the path making way to the clear body of water below.

The moonlight reflected in the water, the forest asleep. I stripped myself of the dirty clothes hanging on my body, entering the clear water with a content sigh. My eyes landed on my husband following suit removing his dirty clothes and laying them on the ground. I felt so lucky to have such a handsome man to call my own. He was everything I could have dreamed of. He saw me staring and chuckled " Liking the view my love?" my cheeks flushed under his knowing share. He smiled and entered the water pulling me against his body. "Your body is the most perfect thing I have ever had the pleasure of seeing my love. I love you so much." his hot breath tickled the skin behind my ear making me giggle. "Awe thank you handsome, you're not so bad yourself. You were very hot defending me from those big mean scots earlier. What would I do without my strong, ruggedly handsome, hero? " He smirked his eye meeting mine. "You might just get yourself killed my lady. Your tongue endangers you so." I lean in incasing his lips with mine. Our lips move in sync as we express our love through touch. We part breathing heavily, "I love you Stephen." he leans his forehead against mine sighing. "I love you too darling." it was true I was the luckiest woman on the planet with Stephen by my side. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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