Thirty-Six - Before They Dance

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"Really?" Kirishima tilted his head to the side. "I thought Todoroki said you'd been given today off cause tonight's the dance?"

"Yeah. That was before I talked smack to Endeavour's face." Ren rubbed her temples. "As satisfying as it was, I don't think I'll get a weekend off until we graduate or I quit from pure frustration. And I think that's his plan."

"That kinda sucks." He mumbled as he walked with her to the front entrance of their dorm building. "I know all the other girls are really excited to get ready for tonight together."

Ren groaned. "Aaaah! 'Shima! Why'd you have to remind me?" She pouted. "I have to get dressed at the agency. Depressing."

Kirishima hated seeing any of his friends so disheartened. "Aw, Ren." He mumbled before he wrapped an arm over her shoulders and gently placed his hand on her head. He pulled her into a soft hug, letting her just lean into his chest and allow her to feel sorry for herself for a few moments. "It's gonna be okay. B-Boy drama is nothing compared to what you've been through already."

"I know." She muffled into his chest. "Thanks, Kirishima."

"I guess I'll see you at the dance tonight then."

Kirishima waved goodbye to Ren as she made her way down the front steps of the building. After he shut the door he hummed to himself as he thought. It was strange to admit to himself but he kinda missed the days when he'd help Ren and Bakugo sneak around, when he and Uraraka would have to coordinate stories with one another to keep their secret safe. It was like they were involved in a top secret mission, and he missed having that little thing that was just theirs. And on top of that, Bakugo was happy. More than anything he missed seeing his friend happy.

He missed seeing both of his friends happy.


His thoughts travelled with him all the way down to the gym where he was running a little late on his session after chatting with Ren.

"Took ya damn long enough." Bakugo growled at him as he entered. Even though it was only a few minutes passed their agreed time, he was sick of waiting and had already started warming up and stretching. "What kept you?"

"I was just filling my water bottle." Kirishima grinned as he shook his bottle around a few times.

"Hurry up and get started!" Bakugo barked at him as he began loading weights onto a bar. "Upper body today."

"You think the pump will make you look better in your suit?" Kirishima asked sarcastically as he began stretching his shoulders out. Bakugo shot him a dirty look because yes, that's exactly what he was thinking. The redhead chuckled to himself.

After he'd suitably warmed up, Bakugo had Kirishima take the first round of bench pressing with his warmup weight loaded on the bars while he spotted for him. They were always trying to one up the other while working out but as it stood, Kirishima could always lift just a little more than Bakugo each time. Something Bakugo refused to let anyone else hear about. They swapped so Bakugo could have his warmup round too and then the real workout began.

Kirishima wobbled a little at first with the added weight but managed to keep himself fairly steady as he pushed. Bakugo usually remained silent when he spotted for Kirishima, occasionally he'd make a note to correct his form but this time he was constantly telling him to adjust his form and reminding him to breathe. Kirishima had just finished his third set when his poor performance had annoyed Bakugo long enough.

Thirsty? (Bakugo x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ