My heart fluttered at the absurd idea that he actually cared.

''Do I even have a choice?''

''No.'' He grinned, ''I'm even going to help you pick out a nice dress.''

I sighed but gave up on resisting. Maybe it would be a nice time, and I'd love to see Cami's face when she realised.

To the surprise of the girls, who had all returned to the slave quarters, Aiden strode in behind me as we entered and I kept my eyes downward cast as we made our way through to the bedroom and towards my bed. Rose raised an eyebrow at me as we passed her but I didn't react, too nervous about the dinner tonight.

I opened my wardrobe and presented it to him, it turned out he was being serious when he said he wanted to choose an outfit for me.

''Okay, let me see.'' He started sifting through the articles of clothing that had been provided to me and I suppressed a giggle at his disgusted expression, and the fact he was acting like a fashionista.

''Nothing captures your attention?'' I asked sarcastically, peeking over his shoulder at the clothes.

''My sister will probably agree to lend you something, none of this will do you justice.'' His voice was low, but I heard his words and felt a blush creep up my cheeks. ''Come on, we can go and find my sister.''

It didn't take long for us to find Millie; she was in her own room which was on the top floor of the mansion. Aiden mentioned that all of the main bedrooms were up here, with guest bedrooms on the floor below. The walls in the hallways were lined with dark wood panelling and the floors were a similar shade of wooden boards. As Aiden opened the door to Millie's room my eyes were assaulted by varying shades of pink and a large variety of stuffed animals could be seen around the room. Millie was sat at her desk on a laptop that seemed to be open to an instant messaging server.

''Hey, Mills.'' Aiden entered the room and I hovered at the door, not sure if she would like me to come in.

''Oh, hey.'' She said cheerfully, swivelling around on her computer chair and smiling widely at her brother. Her eyes turned to me and she beckoned for me to enter, the same smile on her face, ''Violetta, right? What are you guys doing here?''

''I've invited Violet to the dinner later and was wondering if you had anything she could wear? The clothes in her wardrobe suck.'' Aiden sounded nonchalant but his eyes were hopeful as he dropped onto her extravagant bed.

''Of course I have something! I have the perfect dress!'' She squealed and appeared in front of a door joining her room to a walk-in closet filled to the brim with frilly clothes.

I cringed at her eagerness, not entirely sure what to expect. However, I was extremely grateful that she was being kind and it was more than likely then that she wouldn't be hostile at the dinner.

We watched her rummage around for a while until she pulled out a gorgeous, short dress. The colour was lilac and it was encrusted with diamonds around the bodice. The sight of it took my breath away, and my previous worries of what would be pulled out disappeared.

''Oh no, I can't wear that.'' I stared at it in horror. Although I loved it and it looked amazing, it looked way too expensive to be worn by me.

''Don't be silly, it'll look great!'' Millie exclaimed, holding up the dress in front of me and nodding her head in approval, ''Aiden, what do you think?''

Aiden's eyes observed my worried expression and then they looked down at the dress and a smile crept onto his face, ''Perfect.''

It didn't take long for Millie to force me to try on the dress and I hid in her wardrobe for a while, looking at myself in the floor length mirror. The dress hugged my waist making it look smaller and exaggerated my curves. Even though the dress did make me look prettier, it outshone my hair that hung limply down past my shoulders and my face which had not a hint of make-up applied. Not to mention to lovely purple bruising, a few shades darker than the actual dress.

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