Chapter 2

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You open your eyes on another day in this nightmare you seem to be living. You prepare yourself for the day and grab your things to head off to work, making sure to leave early.

As you close the door you keep thinking about what the floor manager told you yesterday. "Comb your hair, we have a special guest visiting us". Filled with equal parts curiosity and dread for the day ahead you begin your commute.

Along the way you do the math and figure out you can pay the Adan and his family tomorrow, but you won't be able to eat for the next week. You just have to avoid them for today and it'll be fine. Although not ideal, given the circumstance you don't see any other choice.

As you turn the corner to the factory you notice a number of small ships docked outside.

What in the blazes is going on?

As you get to the front entrance you can already sense the tension inside. You enter and go to the bathroom to get yourself ready.

While putting on your heavy, first order work uniform, you feel a strange sensation, like a faint whisper deep in your head. You stop and call out "Hello? Who's there?" but to no response. Brushing it off you continue to get ready but can't shake this strange feeling.

You emerge from the bathroom in your uniform and head to your station on the floor. Suddenly the whisper is back, but this time it feels much more clear. You look around at your coworkers.

Gods, I must be really losing it.

You get to work but are cut off after only a few minutes by your attending. He steps out of his office and yells "Attention all reporting workers! First Order arrival is expected in the next 2 minutes. Clean your stations and stand at attention!".

First Order arrival? Surely he can't mean-

Suddenly the feeling is back stronger than ever. It's no longer a whisper, it now feels like someone else's mind is sweeping through your own. You put your hands to your head. "Hey, you okay?" Your coworker leans over and asks. "What? Oh- oh yeah I'm fine, just a headache" you say, trying to brush it off.

You're both cut off in your tracks by a ship flying down from the sky and landing just outside the floor on the landing pad.

You can see roughly what's happening through the massive factory doors. It touches down and a walkway descends down to the ground. A collection of troopers walk down first, followed by what you can only assume is a First Order official. And then, two black boots begin walking down the ramp.

Tension starts building in the back of your head.

A massive, cloaked figure emerges from the ship. Completely dwarfing all those around them in size and covered head to toe in black robes. As the unit starts walking in to the factory you get a better look at the figure.

It's Kylo Ren. The monster of the First Order. You'd heard so many awful things about him killing and fighting and being unbelievably cruel. Seeing him in front of you is frightening.

The tension in the back of your head turns into a dull pounding.

I don't know if I can handle this.

Getting a better look at the other man accompanying him, you see it's General Hux. They stop and talk to your attending, you can't make out what they're saying. You look over at your coworkers to see if they're as intimidated as you are.

You turn back to face the first order guests and you aren't sure if what you're seeing is real.

Kylo Ren is looking straight at you.

You can't see his eyes under his mask but you can tell he's staring at you. The feeling is terrifying. You want to run and hide but you know you can't.

The pounding turns into a shooting pain. You cry out in pain.

"You there!" Your attending officer yells over at you, "What's going on?!". "Uh- Nothing, S-Sir" you yell back, trying to speak through the pain. You hear him and Hux resume their chatter.

The pain is too much. Your hands are on your knees, you're doubled over trying to handle this sensation. Faintly through the pain, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching, looking up you see Kylo Ren alone walking towards you.

Oh fuck

You try your best to remain composed as he draws nearer and nearer. You manage to pull yourself together and lock your eyes straight ahead of you, standing up as tall as you can.

You hear the footsteps come up right next to you and stop. All you can hear is heavy, masked breathing. He doesn't say a thing.

Petrified, you keep your eyes forward, refusing to look up at him.

You hear something, like an echo in your head. The sweeping feeling returns. You feel like you're absolutely losing it.

Suddenly you hear many other footsteps approaching as well. "This is our new tie defender, it's improved Navicomputers are designed for increased accu-"

The pain stopped, why did the pain stop?

You can't feel anything anymore, as quickly as it came, it's gone. You sense Kylo Ren still right next to you but you decide to look up anyway. You follow your eyes up from his big boots, to his waist, to his large cloaked chest, to his mask, which is looking straight down at you.

Oh Fuck

You avert your eyes back to the front.

"Wonderful, these upgrades will be fine, thank you for your services." Hux says to your attending. They all turn and walk away, Kylo lingers behind for a moment more but then turns away and follows the rest.

As soon as they're out of sight, you grab your bag and make for the bathroom. Running into the first stall you see, you puke into the toilet and lean up against the stall.

What the fuck is happening to me? Was that even real? What is going on inside my head?

You try to compose yourself and after a few minutes, walk out to the sink. You run some cold water and splash it onto your face. Looking up at yourself, you notice your soft blond hair falling over your shoulder, it must've come out of the bun at some point. You quickly fix it back up and then make your way out of the bathroom.

As you go to open the door you hear talking outside. "Number is F-8251, she's short and blond. Ren wants her found and brought to the ship immediately." you hear a stormtrooper say, "But why? What would he want with some random girl?" "Beats me, but we have to find her.".

"That poor girl"


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