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November 1988, 22 years old. Surname like the fruit, fair-skinned, slanted eyes with a mole underneath (right eye). We have a common friend and I'm too shy to ask.

I started to appreaciate those small moments that I had with the short time that was spent on that cottage.

But I had found one of his (not sure abt that btw) profile on the most famous social media site/app— whatever. His hair was still short that time, his eyes were the same (still loved 'em). In a whitish-blue polo (I can't tell because of the lighting). Wearing the closed-eye smile that really suited him well.

But all I could say is that he left me a big impression. And I can only hope that I was able to do the same.

I was now walking aimlessly— joke, I'm walking home, vegetables in hand, my bag on one shoulder. The road was pretty dark but I kne the place was safe. But to my big surprise, I saw him, holding a cup of coconut juice.

[Kuya = honorific for older male; irregardless of the speaker's gender]
"Can you walk me home? You can just get a ride when you get to the road."

We walked home, side by side. And my heart was fluttering wildly. My adrenaline in a rush, stomach in knots. Although it ended when I got to my stop. With a sigh, I slouched down as I walked the alleys.

Welp, here goes my wild mind. Ugh, I can only hope.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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