Newton's Laws of Motion

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Bakugou panted heavily while he removed his grenadier bracers, wiping the sweat from his brow. He dropped his bracers with a clunk, the sound echoing in the training room before he peered up at the targets, inspecting his handiwork.

Three. Out of ten targets, three got away, still standing by the wall and survived all manner of incineration.

He scoffed, growling under his breath. This training business, though useful in some form, wasn't fieldwork. The thought of interning for one of the largest hero agencies in Musatafu was a surprise to him when Todoroki invited him, but he grew impatient. He expected more so he could improve and evolve, utilizing his Quirk further than UA had given him, However, after Burnin's self-proclamation about their "potential", it only added more fuel to his fire, no pun intended.

Bakugou's breath lessened as soon as he caught his breath. He dusted his arms before he picked up his bracers, ready to try again and contemplating on his techniques until movement by the large doors caught his eye. While slipping on one of his bracers, he spotted you approaching one of the water dispensers in the hallway, filling your bottle. Every now and then, Bakugou would take stock of who was present at the agency, whether sidekick or intern or otherwise for that matter. He would observe the significant things in each person; their Quirk, how they interacted with others; how they carried themselves, and out of most of them, you piqued his interest.

You weren't the strongest, or the brashest, or the loudest. They were easy to read. Instead, you kept to yourself most of the time. Any time you interacted with others, whether with the sidekick Kido who you interned under, or with other fellows, you looked as if you were juggling as if you were multitasking being present with others while focusing on something within yourself. He couldn't describe it. Out of all of the interns at least, he hadn't figured out your Quirk.

As soon as you filled your bottle, you took a large swig of it before you pulled the bottle from your lips, spraying yourself with some water all over your face. You had been training in the adjacent room, and you needed to quench your thirst and cool off. Kido's last words still stuck in your mind about control and situational assessment, things that you needed to keep in mind and practice. You hummed from the refreshing chill that came with drenching yourself, shaking your head from any residual moisture on your skin. In exhaustion, your eyes peeked into the training room Bakugou inhabited, spotting him attach both his bracers on. You waved languidly, only to be met by a scowl on his face.

"Grumpy, aren't you?" you quipped. Bakugou's brows furrowed, still staring at you from inside the room while you leaned against the door's frame.

"How's your day going?" you took another sip from your bottle before Bakugou's eyes looked away from you, now focused at the three targets left in the room.

"Fine," he replied, short and abrupt. He hoped that was enough to give you a hint.

"Target practice?"

He growled under his breath, his lips curling into a sneer before his eyes glanced your way. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

His response didn't phase you much. Rude and abrupt, that you expected as much from the reputation he built on himself, but he hadn't yet threatened you or made any attempts to push you out, at least not yet. Suddenly, the craziest thought crossed your mind while you watched him readying himself. You decided to walk into the room, placing your bottle by the furthest wall and began to approach the explosive hero-in-training.

Bakugou noticed this, his body relaxing only a little, yet his scowl was still present with a flicker of frustration in his red eyes behind his mask. Despite that, this was an opportunity to learn more about you, one of the few he had yet to figure out.

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