23|| Twenty-Three

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Lacie opened the door and it revealed River

"River what are you doing here?" Asked Lacie as she was confused at why the boy was at her house.

"Lacie there's something I need to tell you," said River as he smiled before pulling out something and opening it to reveal a ring

"Will you marry me?" Asked River

After River finished that Lacie looked at River as she stood frozen

"River I thought I told you it was over between us, I'm with someone else I can't marry you," said Lacie as she shut the door but before she could a foot stopped the door

"Not so fast Salem, you will marry me even if that mean forcing you," said River as he took a hold of Lacies hand yanking her out the door, Lacie tried to free herself as she couldn't

"River I know you, your better then this," said Lacie as she was on the verge of tears before he stopped

"Lacie don't you understand? I'm in love with you,"

"River that was in the past you need to forget about me and let me go!" Shouted Lacie

Before Lacie could walk away River punched Lacie as she fell before doing the unthinkable...


It has been hours since Lacie has been gone and everyone was worried about her, even billy

"There's no telling where she is," said LeAnn as she looked out the window of the house facing billy and Jane

"Yea but she couldn't have magically vanished," said Jane as she was trying to refrain herself from crying "she's my best friend she has to be ok,"

After Jane finished that the door opened revealing Lacie

"Lacie where have you been? We've been worried sick about you," said LeAnn as she ran over to her sister engulfing her in a hug

"I'm fine I just.. want to be alone," said Lacie as she walked upstairs

As she walked upstairs a hand grabbed her wrist making Lacie flinch,

"It's just me.. what happened you can tell me," said billy as he looked at Lacie with sincere

"I rather not talk about it," said Lacie as she continued walking upstairs

"I wonder if something happened?" Asked billy as he looked where Lacie stood

"River was here earlier... then she disappeared," said LeAnn "wait.. I over heard them talking about marriage,"

"Marriage? He had no right to propose to her," said Jane "I thought billy was Lacies intent,"

"Yea but she told me she went to visit River in Charlottetown a while back," said LeAnn 

"what if he tried something?" Asked billy "maybe that was why she flinched when I touched her wrist and the black eye,"

"You don't think..." asked Jane as she looked at LeAnn before gasping and running upstairs to comfort her

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