Chapter 1: Growing up

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Being born in Russia is a privilege my mother always tells me and my brothers. Yet I don't seem to think it's a privilege there is so much chaos in my town. I am currently in 8th grade and going to America for my high school year. I have three brothers and it can get annoying. Dima, the oldest who is in his third year of high school. Maxim, who is the second oldest who is in his second year of high school. Igor, the third oldest who in in his first year of high school. Then its me and then my little brother Leonid who is in 4th grade. My mom decided to have so many boys to be my brothers, but I know she did not expect it. Many were mistakes and I was not. Before my mom made us move to America she made us learn English, I was not so fluent. I struggled with my English pronouncing all the words. My brothers did too, but Dima he knew English because he took some classes. My mom she was not impressed its really hard to make her say wow sometimes. You might be wondering where my dad is. My dad he's at the bottom of the ground at the grave site. Losing my dad was hard, but I got over it quickly. I was nervous starting my first day of high school. I admit it that it was hard saying goodbye to my Russian friends because we had so much fun and they understood me. The only thing that was not fun was doing chores. As a girl I had to do chores for my mother and also help out all the neighbors around me. In Russia I lived in an apartment. It was small to fit all of us. Only 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Growing up was not that easy especially being a girl and my mother being so protective of me. I found it unfair that my brothers did not have to be careful like I had to. One day I was helping my mom clean the kitchen and do the laundry and Leonid says, "Mom I'm going to go out". My mom points to the jacket and he goes out. He's younger and he is going out more. There are more expectations coming from me then from my filthy brothers. Ever since my father passed away my mother has been more strict with me. The last day of being in Russia felt like I was saying goodbye to someone I loved, but only hope would get me to where I wanted to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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