"I have a ton of old board games and movies in the living room. You go to the grocery store and get anything you want. There's a Safeway across from the gas station down the street. Meet me back here in 30 minutes," Bev said, handing Richie a 50 dollar bill.

"Got it," Richie went out her window to keep the fact that he was here a secret from her dad. Richie found the Safeway and walked inside. He went straight to the candy isle and grabbed sour patch kids, skittles, twizzlers, gummy bears, and milk duds for good measure. He then went and got sour cream and onion chips, BBQ chips, pretzels, popcorn, and hot cheetos. He paid for the snacks and threw the bag into the passenger seat. Richie went back to Bev's house and climbed through her window again. She was laying on her bed looking at all the movies and games she had found. Richie tossed the bag of snacks to Bev and she caught it easily. She looked through it.

"Good, here's what I found." she gestured to the dozens of movies and games spread out on the bed. There was a good selection.

"Alright, I think we're ready," Richie said. It was now 12:00 and Bev's dad was about to leave for his work thing.

"Bevvy, I'm leaving! I'll see you on Monday," he called up the stairs.

"Okay, dad! I love you!" she called back.

"Love you!" they heard and then the front door slammed shut.

"He never actually comes to say goodbye to me anymore. He always just calls it to me from where he already is," Bev said, looking down.

"I'm sorry Bev, it must suck. I sort of know how you feel though," Richie tried to comfort her.

"It does suck. But when I turn 18, I'm leaving. For good. This place, it just brings back so many horrible memories. It's like I'm living it my worst years when I'm here," she said with a sort of wistful look on her face.

"Hey, maybe I can leave too. It's not like I have anything to stay here for. My parents aren't the best either," he admitted.

"At least we aren't going through it alone," Bev said, touching his arm. Richie knew right then, that everyone would get along great when they all got back together. This was a really good idea. One of the best Richie had had in a long time.

"What do you want to do? We have like, four hours to while away," he said.

"Hmm.... maybe we could just watch a show or something?" she suggested.

"Okay, I heard that Riverdale is really good. Have you ever watched it?" Richie said.

"Yeah, I've watched all four seasons but it is so good and we can watch it again,"

"Okay. I've never seen it so I hope it's as good as it's supposed to be," Richie said as they walked to the TV.

"Ohhh Rich, you're in for a ride. A long, intense ride. This show can ruin you Rich. You'll get sucked in and end up binging the entire thing within 24 hours of starting it," Bev smirked and went to Netflix. Richie liked the sound of that. He loved binging shows.

Bev wasn't kidding when she said that. Richie was obsessed after the second episode. All he wanted was to keep watching. They got through almost 7 episodes before they heard a knock at the door. Richie got up off of the couch reluctantly and they went to answer the door. It was Eddie.

"Hi Ed's!" Richie said as they let him in.

"Don't call me that. Hi Bev!" was Eddie's greeting. When they got a close look at each other, they seemed mildly surprised.

"Hey Eddie, how've you been?" Bev replied.

"Good, what about you?"

"Great! I'm glad to see you again!" she said with a smile. "I'm going to grab something from my room be right back," once she had left Eddie said quietly,

To The Moon And Back - A Reddie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now