Chapter 6

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Melkor sat upon his throne, waiting for his one to return. He tapped his fingers against his cold metal throne, making songs with each tap.

"My lord, Something has happened to Morghûl." Sauron screamed in sadness, he dragged her up the stairs and to Melkor. She tried to stand up but fell back down again.

"Morghûl?" Melkor asked picking her up so he could look at her pale face.

"Don't you dare die, I am not facing the rest alone." His voice went strong to weak, another weak spot had been found in him, but she couldn't pick up when she was slowly dying.

"Eet ûhl ecanthríl mēfri Melkor.(you'll go on without me, Melkor)" she whimpered slapping her hands onto both of his legs. He held her hands and pulled them up to his waist. She pulled herself up to meet him and rested her head on his thighs. He stroked her hair as if she was a pet. She Nuzzled her head and spoke in a different language to Melkor. Sauron was confused on what she was saying, but Melkor was fond of these words. Sauron gnarled at her body lying motionlessly on the cold stone floor and went back to his forges. She was beautiful, as beautiful as any woman could've ever been. I must keep her alive. Sauron thought looking at the steps as he walked down them.

"A light never to fade." He smiled "A vision never to be forgotten" he laughed to himself and ran to his forges. He poured gold into a small grove and engraved some rituals. The rituals that read of 'A light never to fade, A sound to haunt and a vision never to be forgotten'. He put his power into the ring and left it on the side to cool down.

Once it had cooled, he delivered it to her upstairs. He ran as fast as he could but she was already dead.

"It has ended." Melkor whispered searching her chest for a last pulse.

"What has ended? She can't have, she won't die I know she won't." Sauron cried lying next to get body.

"The funeral is at dusk, be ready." Melkor whimpered walking back to his throne.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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