"Peter Parker, sir," he said, his voice hard. His eyes surveyed the group, staring at them intently as he backed up to lean against one of the walls. They shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

 "Who is this kid? He's too old to be his...right?" Scott whispered as Bucky shrugged.

Peter seemed to go stiff at this information.

"I'm his personal intern," his voice rising over the conversation that had started between the two. The two gave him incredulous looks as they looked at him and back at each other. The group was at least 10 or 15 feet away. There was no way he could have heard that, especially with them whispering. 

The elevator behind them dinged, and in walked Natasha and Rhodey. 

"Well," Tony muttered, finally speaking up. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Tony led them to a conference room with the Accords projected onto the table. Vision was already sitting down near the end of the table, so he become the divider between the two groups: Tony's on the right, Cap's on the left.

"The Wakandan king was not able to make it due to personal reasons, but he said we could go forward with the meeting without him," Tony announced as he sat down. 

"What excuse is he using to get out of this?" Sam questioned from his position at the table, arms crossed over his chest.

"His father's funeral," Tony answered.

The room went quiet as they waited for Tony to give them each their own personal holographic book of the Accords. Cap spoke first, his gaze immediately shifting to Tony. 

"So I'm guessing the government still has control over this whole thing."

"Yes, but we at least have a say in what they can or can't put in the Accords. We get to decide our boundaries and where we stand as an ally for the government. That's what this meeting is for. Mostly," Tony responded.

"What do you mean 'mostly'?" Wanda asked, the obvious panic in her voice not helping the rising tension.

"There was someone at that fight who wasn't part of the original Accords."

"Who?" Bucky asked as he recalled the people who were there during the battle. There was Natasha, Tony, Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Vision, Wanda, T'Challa, Clint, Scott, and....

"Spider-man," Steve answered. 

Sam looked shocked as he turned to face Tony.

"Who is he anyway?" He asked Tony, not bothering to hide the accusing tone in his voice. 

"You know him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," Tony answered, seeming unfazed by the question. "But he wants his identity a secret."

"Fury's going to ask for him eventually, Stark," Natasha spoke up from her spot next to Rhodey. 

"I know that, Nat. But we have to respect his wishes. Putting him in the fine print gives the government control over him. What if that's not what he needs right now?"

"How do you know what he needs?" Steve almost shouted from across the table. "Tony, he got involved-"

"-I recruited him-"

"It doesn't matter! For all we know, he could have been a part of Hydra's plan the whole time!" Steve shouted, standing up and toppling over the chair behind him. 

"Are you freaking kidding me Steve? You're trying to tell me the person I recruited was working for the agency we were trying to DEFEAT?!"

In the background, nobody noticed the teenager shaking as he covered his ears amidst the fight.

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