💚&💖 [Starry Skin]

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[Word count: 1013]


It was a rainy afternoon, when the two young lovers fresh from work decided to have a chill night and watch a new released movie called 'Unfinished symphony' played by Wilbur Soot. But before doing so the two agreed to shower and take care of their bodys, since it was a rather anxious and busy day.

Techno was the first to go and take a shower to release some tension in his muscles while Dream made himself and his lover something quick but healthy to eat and drink. After techno finished his relaxing shower, he exited the bath and dyed himself off while humming one of Wilburs songs. He'll never admit it but Techno is very proud of his twin for following his dreams and becoming a famous musician and actor.

Still humming Techno headed towards their shared bedroom, before entering he turned around and loudly exclaimed that Dream can use the bathroom now. He entered the said bedroom and walked to their closet and took out his favourite sweater and some shorts.

 He entered the said bedroom and walked to their closet and took out his favourite sweater and some shorts

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Art made by me :)
Don't like how it turned out but it's alright I guess. Could be better. It didn't come out like i wanted it too. (I meant the hoodie/sweater btw)

As he was making his way towards the kitchen to finally eat after the day and prepare some snacks for the two, he passed their bathroom and could faintly hear Dream singing in the shower which made him lightly chuckle and fondly roll his eyes at the other.

After Techno felt full and prepared the snacks for them, he walked back to their bedroom scratching patches and petting Floof on his way, while being accompanied with the faint sound of a shower still running in the background. He placed the snacks on the 'drawer table thing that I don't know the name of' next to their bed and sat down on their bed. With that done he was now waiting for his lover to finish and join him in their bed, while scrolling through the internet trying to find some memes to laugh at.

A few minutes go by and Techno is startled by a sudden body weight being draped over his frame and instinctively(?) tried to shove the object away. But as soon as he pushed his wrists were snatched and placed above his head (his phone on which he was scrolling through was laying a few inches away from him btw, so no it didn't just magically vanish into nothingness), which made Techno come back to his senses and he looked up at a smirking Dream, who let go of his wrists after teasing the other a little by applying butterfly kisses to his face and neck.

Dream chuckled at the pout the other gave him and picked him up so he himself can sit down with his back to the head of the bed and place Techno on his lap so they can finally snuggle and watch the movie.


About half an hour passed and except a few times where Techno had to shift to get comfortable (much to dreams dread and pleasure) and Dreams teasing bites to Technos shoulders and neck, everything was going by sweetly. But soon Technos attention span found its new target when dream lifted one of his hands to play with Technos hair, and the said hand came into technos view of vision, and he could already start to feel the world around him start to disappear as all he could see was Dreams hand or more rather the freckles displayed on it.


He slowly lifted his own hand and grabbed dreams to bring it to his chest where his other hand took the hold of dreams and he slowly and softly started to trace every freckle like he was connecting stars in a night sky, trying to figure out a shape and its meaning in the universe.


Techno was slowly making his way upward, reaching dreams middle arms and elbows, going slowly past them and moving on to his biceps and shoulders where he slips his fingers under the shirt like he doesn't need to ha sight to know where every freckle lays, and soon enough he moved his hands over a thick and strong neck to settle with both of his arm cupping each of dreams cheeks.

At that moment techno noticed something almost emerald green in his vision and focused on the colour. After he slowly came to his senses, trying to figure out what was in front of him, he suddenly came face to face with an amused looking Dream. Techno made a confused noise at the back of his throat and his hands started to shake a little not understand what just happened or where he was exactly, his mind wasn't even slowing jim to process who was in front of him all he knew that this person had bring clear emerald eyes that he's about to get lost in, when all of a sudden (yes again) he's engrossed into a hug with the person whispering into his ears that everything's going to be fine and asking him simple questions to find his bearings.

Once realising where he is Techno blushed very hard realising he's straddling dreams crotch with his hands on dreams checks and dreams hands on his waist.


As he was blushing and trying to scramble off, Dream's grip became stronger, stopping Techno in his place, who blushed even harder at the reaction and shyly looked back down at Dream's smug face. As dream leaned upwards and caught Techno by surprise, who let out a little startled yelp  giving dream the opportunity to open-mouthedly(?) kiss the pretty make.

Now things were getting heated and techno was starting to grind down on Dream, while dreams hands explored the others exposed thighs and soon sneaked under the sweater to start playing with---


Oops, a cliffhanger. Ah-ha-ha-ha.





Make both versions
(in case of this one, which should I post first? The smut or fluff?)
Don't know if my wattpad stopped working or if this is correct.
Kinda hoping it isn't because I will feel bad that I haven't actually posted any omega technoblade content yet.

Kinda hoping it isn't because I will feel bad that I haven't actually posted any omega technoblade content yet

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To those who do not know, both of the said books are mine.

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