Billie- Well it came true

Toni- in a shitty way though. That dream went away when I started to take care of the twins. But I let Betty take that dream because I want her to be happy

Billie- What would they do if you weren't here

Toni- Live with my horrible parents 

Billie- You are too good to them 

Toni- They don't have anyone else. Every time I wanted to hang with anyone they were there. Everyone adores them. I mean I don't have an issue but I need time alone

Billie- Alone alone

Toni- No I haven't been alone with someone since they were born I want to more than anything 

Billie- Well the twins are at Jugs so we are

Toni- Yeah I guess we are. I think they should stay there 

Billie- Are you sure

Toni- Of course I mean his parents love the twins. They are happy there

We talked more and had a good time. Eventually we were walking around and having a good time. I was thinking long and hard about her marking me. God I wish she would just kiss me. Next thing I know she kisses me.

Billie- I can hear your thoughts you know

Toni- Right

I looked at her and then I kissed her. The second we pulled away I looked at her and her lips. We then walked back inside to her bedroom. The second we got to her room I was against the wall and she kissed me. Before we knew it we were on the bed. I pushed her away to look at her. Her eyes were gold. We continued and clothes were coming off. 

Billie- If we do this I might accidentally do it

Toni- I don't care. Shut up and kiss me

She then kissed me again and we all know what happened. But during it she was kissing my neck and I could feel it coming. Then I felt a sharp pinch. I didn't care because I was too much in the moment. She slowly pulled away and looked at me. I'm guessing that my eyes changed since she was just looking at me. 

Billie- Are you mad

Toni- No

She let me sit up and I walked to the bathroom. I started a bath to relax for a bit. After it was ready I stepped in and just relaxed. After the bath I put a robe on and walked out. 

Billie- Hey how was the bath

Toni- Relaxing from the events today. Not to judge but I know your playing a 17 year old still but how old are you 

Billie- Technically I'm a thousand years old but I play a 17 year old because I'm stuck as my 17 year old self

Toni- And mine 

Billie- Your correct. We are going to a dinner

Toni- What for 

Billie- Some friends that live in Arizona want to meet you. So I got a dress for you to wear

 So I got a dress for you to wear

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Why Aren't You Scared Of Me? (A Billie Eilish Vampire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now