We need more representation ;-;

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I mean, we just do, correct?

You see alot of bisexual's on the internet and quite a number of pansexual's too

And people make tons of funny posts and information about them!

But almost no one mentions Omnisexual and i think that sucks

i mean, We exist right?

The more people know about Omnisexuality the more people choose to fit in that label and more support and validation :D

And i think its pretty important that we tell atleast few people about omnisexuality and what it is and why we like that label

Im not trying to seem "Greedy" or "Selfish" all i want is more representation

thanks for listening

 Omnisexual things since we ✨Exist✨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ