After a few minutes that we both calmed down I started again, "Don't let other people change what you wanna be. If you really don't want to be a cheerleader then ignore the last 10 minutes were  I totally wasted my life. But think twice, it's easy to make an impulsive decision just because of the drama." 

"You have smart advice Josh." She said with a smile. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."  

Olivia's POV:

I woke up, still in Ethan's arms. He was sleeping peacefully, and I know he's tired from everything that happened yesterday so I didn't wake him up, leaving him a note.

Hi babe
 I'm on set, I'll be there until 8, call me if you're going to come or not.
            luv u
Ps. My mom is still very mad. 

I called Matt and asked him if he could pick me up, I know I won't survive being in my mom's car for 30 minutes without crying or arguing. Fortunately, he said yes. I tried being as quiet as possible to not wake up my mom, but I was going to face her later anyways.

"Olivia." She said, right before I was out the door. I froze, knowing she called me by my first name. I turned around slowly. How in the world did she get here? I never saw her! 

"Yes?" I asked, hoping for the worst.

"I don't ever want to see what I saw yesterday. Specially while you're still a minor." She said firmly. I nodded my head and went out the door, without letting her say anything else.

"Hi Matt." I said dryly.

"Liv? You okay?" He said, switching his gaze to me.

"Uh, yeah? why would you even ask that?" I said hiding my mix of emotions.

"I'm not sure, you seem a little.... off." He responded shrugging. I guess I make things too obvious.

"Oh. Well, how are you?" I asked while he started driving.

"I don't know." He responded almost in a whisper.

"Why?" I asked looking at him. His eyes were red and puffy. 

"It's been really hard for me to do a distant relationship with Brookelynn. We Face-Time each other everyday, but... I- I really miss her." Matt said tearing up.

"Aww, Matty. You don't have to cry. I know how you feel. I'm in a relationship too. But I promise you this will only make you guys have a stronger bond." I say rubbing his arm. Then, I felt guilty for totally lying to him, saying that I was fine. So I told him what happened. The rest of the car ride was us comforting each other.

I was walking to my trailer when I saw Julia walking, so I decided to say hi.

"Hi Juj-" I paused to see that she was crying, so I immediately hugged her. "What's wrong?" I asked pulling away.

"My guinea pig died!" She said sniffling.

"Oh no! Willow?" I ask

"Yes! My poor baby!" She sniffled once again

"I'm sorry Juj. But those things only last like a year." I say, trying to make her feel better.

"WILLOW WASN'T A THING! SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER!" Julia responds with sass and sadness at the same time.

"Oh, sorry." I responds realizing I only made her feel worse.

"I'm gonna go to my trailer." She said walking away. Well.... That happened. I was standing in the middle of a bunch of trailers alone, I had no idea what to do. I'll guess I'll just go to my trailer.

While I was walking I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Josh, so I smiled at him.

"Hi Olivia." He said uncomfortable. "Uh, Excuse me." He shifted me to the side and kept walking. I didn't even get a chance to salute him. And 'Olivia'? What happened to our nicknames?

Larry's POV: 

"I hate my life!" Sofia complained.

"No, you don't. Sof, it's just a C minus." I responded.

"But I had a perfect score Larry! Now this C dropped my overall grade!" She complained. 

"I know, but you can't always be perfect, Sof." I said opening my arms for a hug.

"I know! But It's a C!" She whined.

"It's going to be fine." I said hugging her. "You'll be able to get you're grade up. Trust me." I said looking at the clock. "But, I have to go to the Hair and Makeup trailer now, I'll see you in a few." 

I was walking to the Hair and Makeup trailer but then I saw Dara sitting in the stairs of her own trailer.

"Dara? Are you good?" I asked walking up to her.

"No! I forgot to rehears my lines because I went out with my mom last night, so Tim had to cancel all my scenes today! I feel terrible!" She told me.

"Oh. I'm sorry-" I was interrupted.

"Hold on, Frankie is calling me." She said. After she hung up she told me that Frankie wasn't coming because he caught a cold. 

"Wow, today is not the day, I guess." I said.

"I know right." Dara responded.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia)Where stories live. Discover now