Part 2 (S1-E8)

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                                                                              ~Present~Waking up I hear the sound of a bell ringing down the hall

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Waking up I hear the sound of a bell ringing down the hall. Groaning, I roll off the bed to see what's going on. Walking out of my room I find Klaus at the end of the hall watching as Luther stumbles out of his room a bed sheet wrapped around his torso.

"Oh, there's the man," I hear Klaus say to Luther. "Someone pulled a disappearing act last night."

Curious, I shut my door behind me as I walk towards Luther and Klaus.

"Wait. Was this, like...Is this your...your first?"

"First what?" I ask walking up to them. "What happened?"

"The big man popped his cherry," Klaus answers, spinning around in a circle as he rings his bell. "Now you're gonna have to marry her!"

"Oh, good job moon man," I clap.

"Would you two keep your voices down?" Luther says sternly.

"Hey, you know, I remember my first...oh, no, I don't," Klaus says before drifting off in thought.

"Klaus, what is it?" Luther asks.

"What? Oh, the...uh, important family business," Klaus answers. "Meet me downstairs, okay? And Luther, no dilly-dallying, all right? Chop, chop."

As Klaus walks away smiling Luther's gaze lands on me.

"You heard him," I shrug before turning away and heading downstairs. "Oh, and I hope you used protection!"

I hear an annoyed groan from Luther causing me to laugh as I continue down the hall and downstairs into the kitchen.

"So what's this family meeting about?" I ask sitting down at the table.

"I'll tell you along with the others," Klaus says as he makes coffee.

"Okay," I say crossing one of my legs over the other. "What happened to Luther?"

"He got pretty wasted last night," Klaus answers.


"Yeah," Klaus giggles. "You should have seen him."

Chuckling I see Luther soon walk in, the hood of his jacket over his head. Looking at Ben in the chair across from me I gesture my head towards Klaus. With his arms wrapped around his chest Ben shrugs.

"Jesus," Five says now sitting beside Luther. "Who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?"

"Can we get started?" Luther whines.

"Anyone seen any of the others?Diego? Allison?" Klaus asks.

"No, I haven't seen them since last night," I answer taking a sip of my coffee.

"All right then, this is the closest thing to a quorum that we're gonna get," Klaus says. "Now, listen up. There's no easy way to say this so I'm gonna spit it out."

"This is a bad idea," Ben sighs.

"Yeah," Klaus agrees before falling silent.

"Klaus!" Luther says.

"I conjured Dad last night," Klaus blurts.

"I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years?" Luther asks.

"Ah, yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta da!" Klaus answers. "I got clean, yesterday, to talk to someone special and then ended up having this... conversation with dear old daddy himself."

"Good job on getting sober," I smile.

Klaus nods his head in thanks before we all fall silent again.

"Has anyone got some aspirin?" Luther asks.

"Top shelf, next to the crackers," Five answers.

"Hey, hey, hey. This is serious, guy's, all right?" Klaus states. "This really happened, I swear."

"Okay, fine. I'll play," Five says in a smartass tone. "What did the old man have to say?"

Looking at Five I roll my eyes before kicking his leg from under the table. Looking at me he gives me a what was that for look.

"Well, he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance, my failures in life. Yada yada yada. No surprise there. Even the afterlife couldn't soften a hard ass like Dad, right?" Klaus answers. "But he did mention something about his murder, or lack thereof, because…"

"Wait for it," Ben says.

"...he killed himself."

"I don't have time for your games, Klaus," Luther says.

"Oh come on Luther," I say annoyed.

"I'm telling the truth, Luther. I'm telling you the truth," Klaus says.

"Why'd he do it, then?" Five asks curious.

"He said it was the only way to get us all home again," Klaus answers.

"No, Dad wouldn't just kill himself," Luther says.

"I mean, didn't you say he was depressed?" I ask.

"No, There weren't any sighs," Luther answers. "Suicidal people exhibit certain tendencies, strange behaviors."

"Like sending someone to the moon for no reason?" Klaus suggest.

Thank you all so much, we're almost to 2k reads! Thank you so much, I'm really glad people are reading this story and I really hope you guys are enjoying it.

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