4 Dream Has Come Back

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Hello readers the day has for dream to com back now lets read the chapter shall we...

As ink called all the sanses to come to the meeting room he soon sat down and wait for them to come and while he wait he then started drawing

(time skip)

As the sanses now arrived they sit down and chatted, as ink clear his throat? "Iam sorry for suddenly calling everyone today but the bad guys has been destroying many AU and we have to put an end to it" then chatter was now heard in the living room "how about we ambush them in there castle?" sci said and we went silent "maybe he is right but it is also risky" geno said "hmh" ink said in agreement "then let's make plan on how to ambush them" ink said with a smiled, the sanses agreed and soon they started a plan

while nightmare was in his AU writing about his and dream's past in a journal as he was now done writing he then looked at dream and stare at him, he then smiled at him and then went back to his castle, leaving his journal but what nightmare didn't know that there was a sans that was watching him as nightmare was now gone he then go to the statue and then pick up the book he then dialed ink to come here

????? POV:
As i dialed ink and told him to come here in dreamtale, i then started reading his journal

(time skip by reading the journal)

As i was done reading, i felt tears in my eyes i then hear a portal open, i then wipe my tears and look at the portal then come out ink and the othet sanses "hello color so what is that you want us to come?" ink aksed confused in his voice

"well how about i read you this" i said and pointed the book"a book? what makes you think a book will do?" red said annoyed" well this isn't just any book it is a journal, nightmares journal and information about this statue" i said and pointed out the statue "ohh ok then, everyone it's story time!!" ink said a little childish, once everyone was sitting down i began to tell everyone about it

(time skip jeez so many time skip)

Color POV:
As i was now done telling them, they seem to have tears in their eyes even red and reaper then blue started to cry harder "W-WE D-DID S-SO M-MUCH
S-SUFFERIN-NG" blue shuttered and i confronted him "it is alright blue we didn't know and Iam sure that we can make it up to them" i said calming him down and it work he then look at me with hope eyes
"R-REALLY? " i nobbed "right everyone?" i said then look at ink he whipe his tears and nobbed "ok everyone we should find the spell book, let's spread out and look and if you find it or not, come back here ok? "ink said and we nobbed, then all of us then separated and started looking the spell book

(time skip sorry for the time skipped)

As everyone was searching as nightmare then was now panicking he lost his journal, he then went back to dreamtale and check if it was there when he checked it, it wasn't even there now he was really panicking, someone might have stole and read his 'privacy' he doesn't really like when people read his journal he then went back to his room and searched it while ink was now in the spell section library he then saw what he was looking for and called everyone that he found the spell, ink then went back to dreamtale

Now every sans was there "ok i want everyone to step back" ink said and they all step back, as now ink was casting the spell and soon was done the statue then slowly cracks and now released a lot of positivity energy the others where surprised of how cam someone has so much positivity energy in them while nightmare was searching he then feel a magic that he had missed for a long time he quickly then made a portal to where the majic was coming from and was soon now in dreamtale he then saw the one he missed so much dream, he was happy and excited after so long he can finally talk to dream, cuddle with him, eat with him and other stuff as dream was falling he then teleports to dream and catch him which left the others there standing still in shock and as dream open his eye socket he then saw nightmare the one he misses so much.....





Sorry for the late i was doing my module and dont worry there are more sanses that will be mentioned in the next chapter anyway arigato readers for reading now
Bye bye

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