Suoh laughed and took a challenging step forward “I’m not hearing you.”

“Fine.As Munakata Reisi,personally,’ He paused and this time his gaze to Suoh was different,there might have been a sliver of emotion 

‘I want to save you”

“Time to end this”

Mikoto launched himself without warning at Munakata his fists blazing a brilliant red.

“Why must you resist!” Munakata yelled dodging the attack and sending the sword slashing down over Suoh’s shoulder,fresh red blood leaked from he wound and Suoh stumbled.

Munakata’s eyes widened as he glanced at Suoh’s sword.

Cracks formed on the base and the red gem in the hilt dimmed for a second.

“Suoh...’ Munakata’s voice trailed away into the cold wind.

Suoh placed a hand over the wound and bit his lower lip in frustration.

His powers were failing,he had enough for one last attack and both the kings knew this.


“Enough.I’m going to end this.” Suoh declared,his whole body suddenly pulsating with red electricity.

“No!Don’t do this! You’ll kill yourself as well!” Munakata yelled shielding himself from the building mass of power.

“Does it matter?’ Suoh laughed from within the growing power ‘I will die anyway,best to do it in style.”

The mass grew,Suoh smiled and the whole island disintegrated with a small “whump”

Over on the bridge,HOMRA and Scepter 4 waited in silence,this had been the longest time both the clans where together,they waited silently all for the sake of their Kings,resisting the strong urge to attack one another.

Then it came,first an invisible shock wave that pushed everyone to their feet then the explosion,bright flaming red that lit up the sky in a spectacular explosion of fire.

The island became consumed by it and the heat wave hit the bridge, shaking it on its very foundations.

When it had passed,all on the bridge knew what had happened and they could only stare out in silence as the school island was reduced to nothing but black ash.

A tear fell from a cheek.

“MIKOTO” Yata wailed to the sky, his heart felt crushed.Every reason for living had just turned to ash.What else could he do?

Yata slammed a fist to the ground and tried his best to stop his tears as the rest of his fellow members felt the grief and the sorrow consumed the bridge.

Scepter 4 shed silent tears and HOMRA spared no silence and screamed their loss to the high heavens.

Yata felt a hand rest on his shoulder and a soft voice spoke his name.


“Saru...’ Yata spat as stinging tears ran profusely down his cheeks. ‘don’t you dare comfort me.I know you don’t care.”


“I dont get you!’ Yata whirled on him and punched Fushimi in the face, sending him reeling a few paces away. ‘How can you comfort me!? YOU LEFT US. You...BETRAYED US...betrayed him....betrayed ME.”

Yata stabbed himself in the chest with his finger as more tears fell from his eyes.

Fushimi reached out a hand and grabbed Yata by the shoulder.

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