Preface Part 1

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        My toes dance in my shoes as I wait in the Starbucks queue. The sound of the door opening and closing to my left is followed by a rush of cold air that stings my already cold face and exposed hands. In front of me a middle aged man taps his foot impatiently, behind me a child tugs at his mothers waist whining about the cold. I'm trying to hold my attention long enough to refrain from checking my phone for the hundredth time this morning. I'm weary of what might find itself into my email in-box or my twitter feed. My eyes land on the news stand near the barristas counter. I look just long enough to catch my name printed near the top beneath his in bolded black letters. In a huff I turn dropping my eyes to the dirty snow stained floors and wait my turn. 

        The girl behind the counter gives me a one over as soon as I reach the front. She has a small gold nose ring similar to mine and dyed red hair tied back into a big bun. 

        "Grande Jade Mint tea."  I say drawing out my credit card as she punches it into the register. I hand her the card and she takes an extra moment to look at my name. I should have paid in cash. She looks up again and purses her lips. I want to throw my wallet at her. She hands it back with a flick of her wrist and I force a smile onto my face. 

        "Thanks." I say. She smirks. I turn and head to the end of the counter I pull my parka closer around my body and wait for my tea. As soon as it's in my hand I'm gone grabbing a handful of the newspapers as i walk by and carrying them out. A worker shouts from behind me as I leave. As soon as I'm out into the bitter cold sunlight I turn to the large bin and throw them in with as much force as I can. I notice how heavy I'm breathing as I lean over the bin and watch them fall to the trash filled bottom. Behind me I hear a snap. A pang of hatred surges through my body. I can feel my face contort into a grimace as I grip the bin with one hand and my tea with the other daring not turn and give them the satisfaction of seeing me snap. Footsteps, he's approaching me. I panic turning towards where my car is parked on the street. I lift my free hand to shield my face as I walk, no jog, no run to my car. He's following. Snap. Tears threaten to spill. Snap. I bite my lip in anger. Snap Snap. 

        "Blake how does it feel to be hated by so many people?" The photog yells as I fumble with my keys. Another has approached now, I glance around a few people have turned. A young girl holds her phone up recording the incident. I take one look right into the camera before I find my keys and the door fly's open. As soon as I'm in the door is slammed shut I look down to see tea bubbling out the top of my cup. I throw my bag into the passenger side and hiccup as a few tears drip down my face. I turn the key and the car starts. I pull out and onto the street. I can't wait to see what they say next. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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