I took a deep breath since his dumbass was not going to make it any better.

I cringed as my foot touch the cold floor.

" You are such an asshole" I said trying to grab my towel only for him but he put it up over his head.

" Damn girl ion remember you having all that ass" he said licking his lips.

" Julian give me my damn towel"

he finally gave it to me. I instantly wrapped it around me hoping he didn't see anything else that was off limits to him.

" ion understand why I can't see you naked"

" because ..... It's my body it's not like I see yours" I said putting on some cocoa butter on my body.

Mainly for stretch marks.

" Shidd that all you had to say"

I looked seeing him about to strip since his shirt was already off.

" Julian chill" I said quickly closing my eyes.

" com'on Sierra I'm trying to be fair since I saw all your goodies" he said laughing.

He just don't know he was poking with my insecurity.

" it's not funny" I said showing seriousness in my face and voice feeling the need to cover up my body even more since I still had a towel wrapped around me.

" Sierra is not that serious"

" of course it's not to you Julian, you never have to think about what you should wear because you don't wanna be seen as too fat"

Gosh why was I talking about this.

" just forget it" I said shaking my head.

" No I wanna hear this" He said sounding concern for once.

" I don't wanna talk about Julian just forget I bought it up"

" No Sierra I want you to tell me how you feel, you are a beautiful person inside and out"

" what is that you have a problem with"

I hesitated a little before speaking.

" My stomach before it became oatmeal pie is just been something I couldn't get rid of it's guts, than my stretch marks that seem to get higher and higher on my sides"

I think I realize I said to much.

" Well I think it's cute" he slowly start unravel my towel.

I tried to cover up with my arms but he moved them.

" This stomach right here carried my kids for almost 9 months" he said rubbing on it.

" Them stretch make that ass of your even better"

" okay Julian" I said trying to stop him.

" Hush girl lemme finish my speech"

" Real man like real bodies Sierra" he said shrugging his shoulders.

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