2. ...Because When a Dinosaur Gets Bored, THINGS HAPPEN.

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Owen Grady has had suspicions about exactly what was in the Indominus' blood since she'd escaped from her paddock. Very few animals are smart enough to plan out such an elaborate trap, after all, and (unless someone at the labs had ALL their screws loose AND their hinges installed backwards), her intelligence wasn't coming from any human DNA.

He isn't certain, though, until he hears her speak.

The first chatter reaches his ears and he knows the sounds by heart. It's a greeting; wary, but not threatening, and a confirmation of everything he feared.

The Indominus Rex is part velociraptor.

The "conversation" grows louder, more enthusiastic. Charlie even takes a step forward, chattering fearlessly. He knows he's about to lose his pack, and he hates that he knows it.

But... something changes. The Indominus' posture shifts. It's slight and only someone who's worked with velociraptors would recognize it. His girls turn around, all staring at him expectantly.

"Are you seeing this too?" he chokes out. It's all he can say, and Barry responds with a silent nod, which is too bad, because Owen was really hoping someone would tell him he was having sudden hallucinations.

"What?" the commanding voice of Vic Hoskins demands from not far enough away, "What's going on?"

Barry is the one to reply because owen.exe has stopped working and is no longer capable of speech. "She's deferring."

"What?" Hoskins demands.

"She's deferring," Barry repeats, adding on, "Yielding."

"Who is?"

"The Indominus."

"To the raptors?!"

"No." Barry's voice is a mixture of befuddlement and disbelief, with just a dash of why-am-I-surprised-this-happened-to-you. "She's deferring to Owen."

The astonished silence that follows is only broken by Owen's bewildered whisper.

"I need a raise," he says, and even the Great and Insufferable Vic Hoskins can't contradict him because Owen is clearly correct.


...or is it?

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