"There she is!" Glozell shouted.

"What do you guys think?" Justine asked. Everyone cheered.

Yes, Justine thought. They love it.

"Welcome to my new house." Justine stated.

"This is yours?" Joey asked.

"This isn't your house." LeLe stated.

"You rented it." Tim stated.

"I actually have inherited this house," Justine stated. "From a distant cousin twice removed."

"My cousins get me nothin'." Glozell stated. Justine tried not to laugh.

"You all look amazing tonight," Justine stated. "In your 1920's attire."

"Thank you." A few people muttered in the crowd.

"I wanna introduce you all," Justine stated. "To my wonderful staff that actually came with the house. Arthur, who is head of staff. Sarah, the maid. And then there's Marvin, who's the groundskeeper." Everyone started to get excited over everything. Justine just smiled over the love for her new place.

Oh boy, Justine thought. Wait until I give everyone a tour of the house later.

"Dinner is almost served," Justine shouted. "But, until then, let's get to know each other a little bit more and have some drinks!" Everyone cheered. Eva was the most enthusiastic of everyone who was there. Justine smiled at her friends and ushered them to the games room.

Everyone was chatting, drinking, throwing darts, and playing cards. Eva joined Shane at the dart board for a game of darts. Out in the front foyer, Justine, Oli, Andrea, Sierra, and LeLe were all talking about the estate.

"I know," Justine stated. "No technology works here, which is crazy." Sarah walked over with drinks.

"More drinks?" Sarah asked.

"Oh," Justine beamed. "I would love one, thank you." Justine grabbed another drink and sipped it.

"So?" Andrea asked Oli. "You go hunting?"

"Yes," Oli replied. "Actually, I've just come back from Africa. I've actually been hunting for the past couple of weeks or so." Andrea nodded.

"I love the dark mistress look," Justine stated. "It's gorgeous."

"Thank you." Andrea stated. "You know, I'm really into fashion. I really like to mix things, I like to fix things. If you have something broken, I can fix it."

"Yeah?" Justine asked.

"Yeah." Andrea replied. Justine didn't have the heart to tell Andrea what a fixer is.

"Justine," LeLe asked. "Do you own this house?" Justine sipped her drink.

"I don't have the deed yet." Justine stated.

"So you're not rich." LeLe stated.

"You basically own it." Oli stated.

"No," Justine explained. "No, no. It's going to happen. Like, tonight it's supposed to happen actually.

"Oh," LeLe asked. "Really?" Justine smiled with glee.

"Yeah," Justine beamed. "And once I sign it, then it's officially mine! But, like, I've been living here so, it's mine!" Oli excused himself and walked into the other room. Shane joined the group out in the foyer, who continued to talk about Justine's new house.

"So," Shane asked. "Would you wanna live here your whole life then?"

"Why not?" Justine asked.

"Alone?" LeLe asked. "Do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Bestfriend?"

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