16. The Vibration Game

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Y: 'I'll go make us something'

He smiles and Istand up. My legs feel like jelly and Josh laughs.

J: 'Be careful going down those stairs, dont want you cracking your head open'

I giggle.

Y: 'Are you calling me an egg?!'

Josh bursts out laughing and I go downstairs. Thankfully I dont fall down and I make noodles with dumplings and vegetables. While I'm cooking, the vibrator goes up a level and I moan slightly. It goes up again a minute later and my legs are shaking underneath you. It goes down a level less then 20 seconds later and I pour the food into 2 bowls. I go back up to Josh and hes sat on the bed, fiddling with the vibrator. He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

Y: 'If you werent sat on my bed, this would be going all over you.'

As I set the bowls down, the vibrator goes up another level and Josh laughs.

Y: 'You think this is hilarious dont you'

J: 'Yep, I do, thanks for the food, ooooo this looks great!'

He picks up his bowl and blows on it.

Y: 'Shit spoons! I'll go get them'

I go back downstairs and open the cutlery draw. Suddenly the vibrator goes up what feels like several levels and I moan loudly. I know for a fact Josh is upstairs laughing and I grab 2 spoons. I go back upstairs and open the door. Josh is laying down while eating his food and my eyes immediately fall to his dick. I smirk and roll my eyes.

Y: 'Might want to sort out the crisis you got going on down there'

Josh looks down and smirks.

J: 'Oops, heard you moan'

I roll my eyes and pick up my bowl. I hand Josh a spoon and sit opposite him with my back against the wall. I try look out the window at LA but my eyes keep falling on his dick and he smirks.

J: 'Cant keep your eyes off it can you'

I look at him and blush.

Y: 'It looked at me first!'

Josh bursts out laughing and puts his food on the bed.

J: 'Alright be right back'

Y: 'Get anything in my bathroom and I swear'

He laughs and closes the door. A few minutes later he comes back and smirks at you. As he gets back into bed, he jumps on it causing his noodles to spill all over my duvet. My jaw drops and I look at him and he looks very scared.

J: 'I'm so sorry'

Y: 'Your cleaning that up'

J: 'I will, I'm still hungry though'

Y: 'Not my problem'

I eat another dumpling and smile at him.

J: 'Get off the bed so I can strip off the duvet cover'

I get up and lean against the wall eating and watching Josh. I lean forward and take the remote for the vibrator and turn it up. I close your eyes briefly and Josh smirks.

J: 'Hey, give me that back'

Y: 'Needed more'

J: 'Your at level 3 right now,'

Y: 'What's the highest?'

J: '10'

Y: 'Don't even think about it'

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