Mario Vs YouTubers But with MxM

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Susan big W: you have all been summoned here to fight in a glorious tournament for my own amusement! The loser will have there channel deleted FOR GOOD!!

Every YouTuber there: Nooo!

Smg4: *steps forward* I don't want anything to do with this you can count me out!

Susan big W: go ahead make my day. *slowly putting her finger on the YouTube remote*

Smg4: *steps back* ok fine but I'm gonna complain the whole time.

Susan wakko: whoever wins the tournament will have to face my chosen champion and prodigy.. *point her finger behind them*

Every YouTuber there: *turn around*

*portal opens to reveal a god*

Pewdiepie: pewdiepie!


Susan yakko: the tournament will take place in one week. I suggest you train till then.

jacksepticeye: *punch his fist*

YouTuber I don't know the name of: I'm going to die.

Other YouTuber I don't know the name of: where are my hands?

Susan dot: good luck and may the odds ever be in your favour!

*In the castle*

Mario: hmm how about Brazil Meggy I heard its great.

Meggy: Nah let's just watch something funny we can focus on this later. *shows tyler1 food slipping off the plate*

Mario: hahaha!

Smg4: *jumps though the door and hits the tv* mario! Take my place in the YouTuber fighting tournament or else I'll get deleted!

Mario: I can't I'm watching videos with Meggy.

Smg4: pleassseee mario I'll... I'll be your spaghetti chef for a week.

Mario: ONE YEAR!

Smg4: two weeks!

Mario: One month!

Smg4: one week!

Mario: deal!

Smg4: this isn't going to be easy though. We're gonna need a look for a trainer.

Mario: I know the perfect person to help me.

Smg4: who's that?

Mario: Meggy of course.

Meggy: thanks mario.

Mario: no worries you ready?

Meggy: yeah let's go!

Smg4: dead! *falls over*

Strength training

Meggy: alright mario you ready?

Mario: mmhm.

Meggy: great punch the punching bag.

Smg4: Mario Vs YouTubers But with MxMWhere stories live. Discover now