2: Meeting Peter

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Locker 2224 was on the second floor, by the health rooms. The bell had rung and I was free to do as I usually do after school, but apparently today I would be officially and properly meeting Peter Maximoff. An honour, clearly.  He was quick to befriend me, quick to joke, and knew what I did to the school and he really didn't seem to care. The best thing was that he was like me... somehow. 

    I wasn't sure what it was he did. Did he do what I did or did he have some other sort of power? The idea of 'power' at all was a little scary and a little weird, considering until I was twelve I was sure it was something purely fictional, in the minds of writers and artists.  In cluelessness and curiosity, I had my bag over my shoulder and scanned the numbers on the lockers as I headed towards the health rooms.  

    Lucky for me, he was there waiting. God, I don't think I could get over how relieved I was to have someone to talk to about this. Hopefully, this wouldn't turn out to be blackmail- that was still a minor thought in my mind. I didn't trust him entirely, but we'd have to wait and see. 

        "You're here," Peter said, pushing himself off of the locker he leaned against. He folded his arms, smiling. "Knew you couldn't stay away from me for long, lots of people can't resist me." 

     "Watch me," I spun the opposite way jokingly and then turned back with my hands tucked behind my back. "I really appreciate the friendliness and your 'charm', but you're the only person who knows and I don't want to be considered a teenaged psychopath if you decide to turn me in for not meeting you here." 

   Peter laughed, "I wouldn't, especially considering they'd think I'm the teenaged psychopath for accusing a girl of blowing up the PA system with her mind," he replied with a grin, quiet enough for only me to hear. What he said was true. I guess I was a little safer than I thought.  "If someone questions you, just pretend like they're crazy or better yet, tell them that nobody will believe them." 

    "Noted," I said, smoothing out the legs of my jeans. "So I met you here, is this where I'm kidnapped?" 

    "Maybe, not in a public space... but I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out." He said bluntly, ruffling his hair. I hadn't been asked to hang out since it was called a 'playdate'. Which most likely was in sixth grade. I don't think I hid my look of questioning because he laughed again. "I really haven't found many others like me... so I'm sort of taking advantage of the opportunity and I thought maybe you'd want to." 

     "I do," I grinned, rocking on the heels of my boots. I was so rusty on human interaction that wasn't with an assignment partner, boss of mine, or my mother, that this was a little exciting. I could talk to people like they were my friends but could I keep them? "I just don't really do things with people outside of school, so I'm not sure what to expect." 

   "Yeah, I noticed," he said, his face straightening out and flattening his voice."Nobody likes you." He chuckled as I opened my mouth to say something, but all I could do was laugh with him. I liked his humour, he was mean and not in a bad way. He smiled and gestured for me to follow him as he locked his locker and began to walk- I walked with him. 

    "So what's with the hair?" I asked as we walked down the steps of the school behind a few others who just passed us and went before. "It's actually silver. Was it a choice or were you born old? Is your-" I lowered my voice, "-is your power a Benjamin Button sort of thing?" 

   He looked back at me, a step and a half below, "Born with it, I think? -And no, I don't age backwards. I'm a year older than you, I believe, and I won't be getting much younger. I just... age slower, I think. Not entirely sure." 

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