cheater cheater girlfriend beater

Start from the beginning

"Merlin Lucius! You scared me!" I laughed, as the man made his way to my bed, leaning down to plant a kiss on my lips.

"Sorry babe, i just wanted to see you so bad." I giggle, as our innocent kiss turns dirtier, his tongue quickly finding its way in, as i die inside. I dont want this. I want this for me and Clara. Not me and this man that i have to pretend to love. But i cant show that. I still have to pretend. At least for a little while... Lucius leans away from the kiss, looking into my eyes, as his smile turns into a scowl, and he raises his hand, slapping me straight across my face. I fall backwards, shocked at what he had just done.

"Lucius! What the fuck!?" I try to sit up, but he does it again. This time harder, and I feel my skin break under his hand, blood starting to trickle down my face where he had hit me, a tear falling with it. Lucius was strong too fucking strong. He could kill me if he wanted to. I had never been more scared in my life, as he hit me again, this time leaning over me when i fell backwards, going in to hit me again, hitting me back and forth across my face, as i raised my arms, trying to shield myself and push him off.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT YOU SLUT?!" Lucius screamed as i sobbed, falling off the bed, and scrambling to the corner, begging him to stop.

"Please! Lucius i dont know what you mean." He just scoffed, kicking me in the stomach, and pulling out his wand, pointing it straight at me.

"You know exactly what i mean fag." He says, cornering me, as i sob again. "Now talk. Why did you do it."

"I swear i dont know what-" i start, but I'm cut off by a sharp pain everywhere.

"CRUCIO!" Lucius yells, as i scream in pain, sobbing, and begging hm to stop.

"Please! Lucius stop!" He just laughs, and casts the spell again. "FINE! Fine! Ill talk! Just please stop!" I give in. The pain is too much. Lucius smirks, kicking me again, before lowering his wand.

"Why'd you do it huh? Why?" I shake my head.

"You want to know the truth?" He nods and i wince, still in pain from the spell he had used. "Because i love her! Not you. Her!" Lucius's face screwed up, as he points his wand at me again, yelling the curse. I scream in agony, curling into a tighter ball, as he casts it again, and again.

"YOU PROMISED!" He scoffed, looking me up ad down, and spitting in my face.

"You really wanna talk about promises? I TRUSTED YOU!" I lifted my head, tears streaming down my face as he yells at me. Why wont he see my reasons. Why wont he see he's not enough.

"I don't care." I mutter, putting my head down again as Lucius grows more and more angry.

"What did you say whore? WHAT DID YOU SAY?"


"You little bitch." He raised his wand again, and I covered my face with my hands. "Avada..." This is it. My last moment alive. I'm about to get killed by Lucius Malloy, and for what? I didn't save Clara, she was probably going to die too, and knowing Lucius, he was going to tell his father, who is going to find a way to prove him innocent. Prove he didn't kill two helpless teenage girls. But what can i do right? I'm just one of his victims. One of the girls who died for nothing. One of the girls who- my thought was interrupted by a second voice in the room. One that didn't belong to Lucius, or me.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Lucius's eyes widened.

"What the-". He whirled around to face who stood in the doorway, his teeth baring as he saw who it was. "You..."

"Damn straight its me. Now dont make me repeat myself." Damn. Lucius scoffed at Clara. At the girl who had come to save me, as he raised his wand.

Clara pov:

The couch cushions in the slytherin common room sucked me in, as i settled down to wait for narcissa. She had promised to walk me to potions detention the night before, as friends of course, so i was here. On time and everything. If only that could get me out of detention, because being late was the thing i happened to be in detention for. My thoughts were cut short by a thud sounding from above me. It was probably just a couple of first years messing around. But what if... fuck it. I ran up the stairs, choosing the door that lead to the girls dormitories, heading to the end of the hall, where all the seventh year rooms were. Sure enough, when i got to narcissas door, i heard a voice inside, that was definitely not hers, and definitely not friendly. Oh shit. I opened the door quietly, hoping not to be noticed by whoever was inside. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Lucius Malloy stood inside the room, over a bloody narcissa curled in a ball in the corner. He had his wand out, and i don't think his intentions were good. My theory was then proven.

"Avada..." no I wouldn't let him end narcissas life when it had barely even started yet. Not on my watch. Not today.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled into the room, wand drawn.

"What the-". Lucius whirled around to face me, his teeth baring as he saw who it was. "You..."

"Damn straight its me. Now dont make me repeat myself." He was getting on my nerves. First he hurt narcissa, and now he's just being an arsehole. I didn't really want to hurt him,but at the same time... "Petrificus totalus!" Oh well. Lucius was caught off guard, as he fell backwards, stiff as a board, and i ran to check on narcissa. "Are you okay?!? Did he hurt you bad?!?" Cissy nodded, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at me, her hands shaking, as i took them into mine, kneeling to her height. "It'll be okay. Let me finish with Lucius, and then I'll take you to madame pomfrey." Narcissa just shook her head. "What? Why?"

"You'll get in trouble! I dont want you to-" i put a hand on her shoulder.

"Cissa. I dont care if i get in trouble. I just need you to be alright." She still looked worried, but she smiled a little, giving me a weak nod, as i stood back up, walking to where Lucius lay, un moving, but still as terrible as ever. "You." I scoffed, standing over him, looking into his stone cold eyes. "Fuck you." I kicked him in the face, breaking his nose if nothing else, and then rushing back over to narcissa. "Can you stand?"

"I-I'm not sure." The girl said, still in shock from what i had just done. I helped her up, supporting her while she tried to walk, and did, but not very well.

"You know what, just come here." I said, grabbing her by the waist, and she swung her legs up a little bit, so i could hold her, and carry her to the hospital wing. She clasped her hands around my neck, planting a kiss on my neck. I looked into her pained eyes, I didn't care what had happened. I didn't even need to know, it didn't matter. He had hurt my cissa, so i hurt him back. "I'm so sorry this had to happen." Narcissa just smiled weakly up at me.

"It's ok Clara." She buried her face in my shoulder, wincing in pain, as i started walking. "Thanks for saving my ass."

"Anytime cissy, just hope i never have to again." She smiles again, as i start moving faster, trying to get to the hospital wing as fast as i can. I'm just glad she's safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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