Chapter 1: At the Fall Festival

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   On the night of the Fall Festival, a tour bus arrived in the parking lot of Jack Emerick Middle School. Kaz and the duo, Ami and Yumi, walk out of the bus. "Here we are girls!" said Kaz in confidence. "Roseanna suggested we come here tonight." Ami and Yumi look confused on what they are doing at a middle school at night. "What exactly are we doing here at this hour?" asked Yumi. "Isn't school a daytime thing?" "Yes," replied Kaz. "But on this night, the school is hosting they're eleventy-seventh annual...FALL FESTIVAL!"

   Ami squealed, giggled, and jumped with enthusiasm. "Oh, I love school fairs!" shouted Ami. "I love fairs in general. Oh, it makes me wanna pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming." Ami pinches her armpit as she shouts, "Itai~!" like an anime schoolgirl. "Well, I may not be dreaming," said Ami. ", but at least I'm at the fair." Kaz then bragged, "I'm the best musical arm farter in town." Kaz puts his hand on his armpit and makes a high, squeaky fart noise. "That's nothing," bragged Yumi. "Check this out!" Yumi makes two deeper fart sounds.  Kaz and Yumi challenge each other on who can do the biggest musical arm fart in town until they hear a loud fart noise which actually is a musical arm fart coming from Ami. "Alright you two," scolded Ami. "If you wanna have fun at the Fall Festival, then you gotta behave and stop bragging about stinking arm farts." "Yes Ami." said Yumi and Kaz in favor of Ami.

   Kaz and the duo browse around the campus to see the games. "So," said Yumi. "Any games we should try out?" "Hmmm..." thought Kaz. "None whatsoever." "Ok," replied Yumi replied. "I understand. How about we get ourselves a treat." At the snack bar, Kaz and the duo are eating saltwater taffy. "Y'know," smalltalked Yumi." This saltwater is soooo good. It almost feels like I'm at the beach." "Oh yeah." asked Kaz. "Why is that?" "I'll tell you, hun!" replied Yumi. "Last summer, I was in Topsail Beach giving myself a warm, toasty tan. Then, just as I heard my tummy rumble, I grabbed myself a tasty snack. What was it? You guessed it, a pack of pineapple flavored saltwater taffy." "Wow." said Kaz in awe. "I didn't think you even tried saltwater taffy before." "Alright," said Yumi. "Let's stop talking and start eating."

   The girls and Kaz continue eating their taffy as Roseanna rolls her wheelchair. "Oh, hey Kaz, Ami, Yumi!" said Roseanna. "I'm so glad you came to the festival." Ami then says, "It's an honor to invite us to the Fall Festival, Roseanna." She eats some more of her taffy when all of the sudden, her tooth hurts. "Ah! Aha~! Hagaitai!" Ami moaned in pain as she puts her hand on her cheek. "Ami!" Kaz shouted in concern. "Are you ok."  Yumi then shouts, "Tabenagara hanasu na!" Ami rubs her cheek as she said, "Kaz, I think I'm having a toothache." Kaz swallows a big chunk of taffy in his mouth. "Nani?!" shouted Kaz in disbelief. "Toothache?! What could be the culprit of the pain?!" "Kaz," said Roseanna. "Let me tell you something. I had a great-great-great grandpa once. He refused to brush his teeth two times a day and after years of not brushing his teeth, this is what happened to them." Roseanna shows a picture of her great-great-great grandfather with a smile of rotting yellow teeth with holes and gunk pouring out of them. Yumi spits out her taffy as Kaz says, "Ewww!" "I don't want this to happen to Ami." said Roseanna in concern. "We're gonna have to take Ami to the dentist to check on her aching tooth... right after the Fall Festival. "

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