A Long Week

Depuis le début

"Brooke you gotta let go of your stupid plans. What would 18-year-old you say if she knew you were giving up the chance to be friends with Harry Styles," He leans in and whispers the last part to make sure no one else hears.

"Okay, but I'm not giving it up, am I? He hasn't texted me," I argue.

"You could text him."

"I could but because of who I am as a person I really can't. On Wednesday I typed out like 50 different texts I could've sent but I talked myself out of it and it's probably for the best because there's no way Harry's gonna keep wanting to hang out with me."

"You need to talk to him," Ryan says after several seconds of pondering my explanation.

"Except that I don't."

"He's a busy guy, maybe he meant to text you, but it slipped his mind."

"Well I'm busy too. Maybe I meant to text him, but it slipped my mind," I argue back.

"Okay whatever, I know better than to try to argue with you. Tell me about work," He says, finally giving in.

I fill him in on the latest newsroom gossip--his favorite thing about my job--as we finish our lunch.

Half an hour later we're both done with our food and getting ready to leave.

"Just try to keep an open mind about Harry," Ryan says before we part ways to our cars.

"Okay, but I'm telling you he's done wasting his time on me."

Ryan rolls his eyes and gives me a one-armed hug before walking to his car on the right side of the parking lot.

***Harry's POV***

I'm sitting in my backyard, reading a book and trying to take advantage of the quiet I'm finally getting after a week of interviews, tour prep and promo. I really start getting lost in the book until my phone vibrating on the table next to me pulls me back to reality.

I look to see who it is, not wanting to talk to anyone right now.

Ryan appears at the top of the screen and I remember that I haven't talked to Brooke in a week. I think for a moment about if I should answer, but decide he's probably not calling about Brooke or anything else important so I let it go to voicemail.

I open my book back up and after reading maybe two sentences, my phone starts vibrating again. I glance over to the table and see Ryan's name again.

It must actually be important, I think before reaching for the phone and answering it.

"What's up?"

"How'd last Saturday go with Brooke?" He asks.

"Good, why?" I answer, feeling a little confused. But only a little. I'm now fully realizing I'm basically ghosting her.

"Do you think you're gonna text her or something? Maybe hang out again?"

Oh no, I think.

"Probably, why?" I ask, hoping I'm wrong and nothing weird is going on.

"When do you think you might do that?"

"Um, I don't know. I had a crazy week so maybe tomorrow. Why?"

He's silent for a moment and I open my mouth to say something else but he cuts me off before I get a word out.

"Okay, I'm just gonna cut to the chase, but don't tell Brooke I told you anything because she might actually kill me." He sounds like he's still unsure if he should be telling me whatever it is.

"Um, okay."

"She's pretty much convinced herself that you've forgotten all about her and never want to see her again so if that's not the case you need to do something basically right now."

Shit, I didn't think she would jump to that.

"What do you mean? Why would she think that?" I ask just to make sure I'm not missing anything .

"It's been radio silence for the last week. What else is she supposed to think? Mr. Rockstar has been too scared to text her?" I can tell from his tone of voice that's obviously not what she's been thinking and I'm starting to get scared I fucked this up before anything even really started.

"Okay so what should I do? How can I fix this?" I ask, continuing to kind of play dumb. I know things I could do to fix it, but he's Brooke's best friend so he'll know the way to fix it.

"What are you doing right now?"


"Go to her apartment. Right now."

Won't she think that's weird?

"I can't just text her or call?"

"No she's already overthinking everything. you need to go hang out with her," He urges, sounding like he's getting annoyed.

"And she won't think it's weird that I keep showing up at her apartment unannounced?"

"Maybe, but that's better than her thinking you never want to talk to her again."

"Okay, you're right. I should go talk to her. Thanks for not letting me completely fuck this up before anything's begun," I say as I stand up and start walking into my house.

"Don't make me do it again," He says in the most threatening voice I've ever heard from him.

I didn't know Ryan could actually be a little scary.

"Right. I won't."

And with that I scramble to get my wallet, keys and shoes so I can head over to Brooke's.

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